Friday, December 1, 2023

Light and Dark Value Scale to explain The Law of Opposition




Parke Ranch Painting by Steve Streadbeck

I have created this post to help others on their way to enlightenment, understand the principals of What is Perfection? What is Hell? Why must we not judge others including ourselves? How can one get on the path back to God? Why God? What is this Earth Life all about? What does it mean to live in the world but not of the world? And other answers. I hope you enjoy the concept. Steve Streadbeck

 2 Nephi 2:11-14

11 For it must needs be, that there is an aopposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no apurpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the bjustice of God.

13 And if ye shall say there is ano law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not bthere is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.

14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and alearning; for there is a God, and he hath bcreated all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be cacted upon.




        0      1        2      3       4       5        6        7        8        9        10

 This is an artists’ value scale. Compare this if you will to the Law of Opposition. On the one hand you have pure light where there is no value of darkness. It is pure, undefiled, and void of sin or darkness. This is, if you can imagine, where God dwells. It is the pure state of perfection. Imperfection exists and man is aware of, but does not exist here. By observing this one can understand what it means to become perfected, or being perfect. Light or perfection only exists because of its opposition, otherwise there is no existence. On the opposite end of the scale is darkness. This is total darkness and void of purity, it is evil and sinful. There is where Satan dwells along with his followers, or they of like mind and behavior. In between lays a multitude of variations between light and darkness. They who do not keep God’s commandments live and dwell within these parameters. There are an infinite number of variations between light and dark, purity and impurity. Now as an exercise draw a line on the scale or pick a number where you believe dark becomes light, or where light becomes dark. Imagine if you will, this is where you believe yourself to be on the scale of righteousness and or evil. This is in the scriptures is where man is believed to be as he or she is navigating through life. One is neither light nor dark. In this example one may view it as sitting on a fence where one leg may be accepting darkness and the other leg the light. God said that “If you are not for me then you are against me.” You alone can and do make that determination. You must swing your leg over and start walking towards the light or He, meaning God, deems you are to be leaning towards the darkness and are not on His side or the side of light. On one side is righteousness and the other is sin. You simply can’t say that you believe in Christ and are saved. You still remain in sin or darkness because of your daily actions and lack of repentance. The light and dark varies moment to moment according to ones thoughts and behaviors. If you accept Christ it does not mean that you are pure and white nor if you do not accept Christ does it mean that you are dark and evil. It does mean that you are becoming, going towards, leaning in the direction of one or the other. You can always have a change of heart, even a mighty change of heart and go in the opposite direction. This statement as to having a “mighty change of heart,” is reversing the direction you are going and going in the direction of the light and towards God. However, most people seem to find a comfortable spot, or comfortable value between good and evil and remain there most of their lives. They live in a place where their natural bodies are comfortable. They listen to their natural senses, and sleep, drink, work, and perform life’s duties as long as it pleases them. That is where they live. Life’s test or why we have been placed here on the earth by our Heavenly Father, is to let us decide where we want to reside, and what is it that we desire and is worth working and sacrificing for. Is it heaven or hell? Light or Dark? Reward or Punishment? Or do you want no reward and no punishment (just existence)? If you think that it is mere existence then you have to think again, because we all have been granted and gained the right and do exist as a gift to us by God.


 Now may I address and help to define or identify the subject of “Judgment.” The moment you selected the value or line where you thought was the line where you or someone was sitting on the fence between light and dark you became a judge. We have been counseled, “Judge not that ye be not judged.” To each of us a judgment is made when we place anyone, including ourselves, on the value scale between light and dark. We cannot and do not know what laws that person has been given by which they are to be judged by God. God being the only true law giver whereby man will be judged. We cannot know nor do not know what direction a person is traveling in, whether towards God and the light or away from God and towards the darkness. All of us are susceptible of judging others and the judgment of ourselves by others. Often we are critical of church leaders because of their judgments (often personal) of members because of their actions. God or Christ are the only ones that can judge our or others behavior. They, meaning the Gods,  have chosen leaders to make judgments for them, because they cannot be here with us all the time. These individuals that are chosen, are called Bishops, and have been given the keys of revelation. They themselves are not perfect and sometimes commit sins or make mistakes but whatever mistakes they make God will make right, for not to do so he himself would be not perfect.

From the fall of Adam and Eve, which introduced opposition into the world we live in this grayscale area of sinfulness. With this introduction we were granted the gift of Agency or Free Choice. We can either choose light or dark, good or evil, righteousness or sinfulness, right or wrong, happiness or sadness, reward or punishment, joy or eternal damnation. Which is it that you or we choose. The choice is ours to make. In what direction are we going? Are we going towards God and Light or toward Satan and Darkness? The great task we have, is as an individual to control our natural behavior, or that of the natural man or physical part of us and to allow our spiritual side to take over and control our behavior. The natural man desires the physical pleasures of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste to control our behavior. These appetites lead us in the direction of evil and darkness, because Satan controls the natural mind of man. The mind of the spirit is controlled by the Holy Ghost and leads us in the direction of purity and light with desires of keeping the commandments with strict obedience to God. We are not expected to be perfect in this world but to become perfect as our Father in Heaven is. We are expected to be on the path towards perfection. When we come to the area known as Pure Light or Value scale 0 where there is no darkness it doesn’t mean that we all came to that area pure and undefiled but that we traveled through the world of impurity and arrived now clean and darkness free, only because of Christ’s atonement for our sins. (For no unclean thing can enter into the presence of God)

“In the world but not of the world’ is a statement often heard of while we are on our earthly journey. This simply means that while traveling through life’s journey we recognize that darkness surrounds us, which is “in the world,”  but that we don’t have to participate or join in it or be part of it, which is “of the world” darkness. When we finally reach a state of enlightenment or perfection we must and will embrace the knowledge and awareness that evil still exists, and that understanding this itself is enlightenment and celestial existence. This IS the Great Law of Opposition of and in all things. We can and do have moments of purity or living without sin in our lives when we embrace righteousness through repentance and keeping the commandments, but few remain there and succumb to darkness and sin. When we say that man is not perfect and can never be in this life, we mean that man is continually giving way to temptations and sin and don’t remain in a continual state of perfection. Hopefully it is important to know and remember that man can become perfect. It is possible. That possibility exists in God’s perfect Plan of Salvation. The circle within the darkness represents man living in a dark world but signifying that he doesn’t have to be dark. It reminds man that he can remain, or become, pure, clean and sin free though darkness surrounds us.


0        1       2       3        4        5         6       7       8      9      10


The Kingdoms of Reward from living a mortal life

 0  The Celestial Dimension - Where man has overcome sin through repentance, (and Christ’s atonement) good works, baptism, gift of Holy Ghost, Priesthood and sealing power. Do not feel comfortable living in any form of darkness. Glory is light and will receive a fullness of glory.

 1 – 5 The Terrestrial Dimension- All the good people of the earth that have lived according to the Terrestrial Laws. Approximately 2/3 of the earths population. (my guess) About the same number that believe in a higher deity and are trying to live a higher more wholesome way but do not accept a testimony of Jesus Christ while on the earth. Will receive a Terrestrial Glory. (light slightly diminished)

6 – 9 The Telestial Dimension-  All those people of the earth that have lived according to the Telestial Laws. Approximately 1/3 of the earths population. (my guess) Love evil and delight in the control and suffering of mankind. Will receive a Telestial Glory. (light greatly diminished)

10  Outerdarkness – Where all those who have denied Christ and chosen to follow Satan and his evil path. They are known as Sons of Perdition. There is no light here, no glory. 1/3 part of the host of heaven are all ready to be sent here, never to receive bodies. They were cast down along with Satan.

 You can think of it is as if your bodies are resurrected somewhat polluted with darkness. (refer to the value scale) Your resurrected bodies will be of the same value as you lived. Unless you become clean and white you can no longer live in the presence of your Heavenly Family. Christ will rule over the Terrestrial Glory and the Holy Ghost the Telestial Glory. Your bodies can only exist in the dimension from which you have lived and become accustomed.



Law of Opposition Word Behavior Chart

  0 through 5 The persons who desires light are:

Loving, Tender, Affectionate, Devoted, Caring, Adoring, Warm, Kind, Charitable, Forgiving, Loyal, Courteous, Obedient, Thrifty, Reverent, Trustworthy, Truthful, Chaste, Honest, Brave, Spiritual, Free, Honors parents, Non judgmental, Giving, Generous, Benevolent, Patience, Temperate, Humble, Generous, Altruistic, Helpful, Bountiful, Merciful, Pardoning, Hopeful, Prudent, Just, Lenient, Forbearing, Magnanimous, Sympathetic, Tolerant, Kindhearted, Gentle, Caring, Affectionate, Faithful, Devoted, Reliable, Dependable, Steadfast, Dedicated, Polite, Well-mannered, Considerate, Civil, Serving, Positive, Builder, Creator, Lives, Harmonious, Uplifting, Glorious, Eternal, Unfailing, Staunch, Converted, Compassionate, Happy,  Joyful, Thankful, Generous, Thankful, Prayerful

 6 through 10 The persons who desire dark are:

Liars, Cheaters, Stealers, Lustful, Angry, Covetous Destroyers,, Desires wealth, Adulterers, Fornicators, Addicted, Pornographic, Haters, are Envious, Slothful, Gluttonous, Greedy, Lazy, Wrathful, Prideful, Murders, enjoy Captivity, Confusion, Chaos, Disharmony, Bondage, Slavery, Prison, Disorder, Death, Punishment, Hell, Negative, , Eternal Damnation, Selfish, Prideful, Conceited, Ego driven, Abusers, Sad, Cold, Natural, Stingy,

 The question is where do you stand in your desires, beliefs and behaviors. Where is it that you feel comfortable? Take for example any group or individual and where do they reside in their beliefs and behaviors.  We are all God’s children through the lineage of Adam and Eve if you believe that or if you don’t then on the scale of opposites where is it that you have evolved? What kind of behaviors are acceptable to you? Society dictates to us the norms. These behaviors I believe still follow the acceptable behaviors of light and darkness.

  Cures for the 7 deadly sins: (law of opposites)

Humility   cures  Pride

 Kindness  cures  Envy

 Abstinence  cures  Gluttony

 Chastity  cures  Lust

 Patience  cures  Wrath

 Liberality  cures  Greed

 Diligence  cures  Sloth


The Yin Yang Scale

The Chinese explain it in this manner. The yin yang symbol teaches us, as one grows

the other diminishes, yet the other will always exist, as represented by the

small dot or opposite color within each, even though we may grow to a state

 of complete lightness or darkness. Otherwise, there can be no existence of

one or the other. Man always has the choice, to grow in righteousness,

 goodness, kindness, happiness, purity of thoughts and deeds or to grow in

 unrighteousness, impurity, corruption, sickness and evil. God wants to build,

create, endure, and exist. Satan wants to destroy corrupt, kill, maim, control,

dictate and inflict.

 The value scale illuminates the differences between light and dark and all the variants. Ask yourself

 and evaluate where do you exist on the scale? Are you growing towards light or darkness?




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