Saturday, April 18, 2009

Intelligence Factor

The Unification of Science and the Kingdom of God

By Steve Streadbeck
Revised: April 6, 2005

The Unification of Science and the Kingdom of God
By Steve Streadbeck

Introduction to Unification

Fifty years ago an old man lay on his bed in an upper room of his home in Princeton, New Jersey, dreaming of the day when he could unify all the workings of the universe into one master theory of everything. His name was Albert Einstein. He had made front page news in the early 1900’s with his brilliant papers and theory of “General Relativity.” It had completely rocked the world which had for 300 years believed Sir Isaac Newton and his work with Gravity. The famous observation of the apple falling from a tree in 1665 was the first of the forces to be discovered. Yet, Newton really didn’t know how it actually worked, meaning gravity. Einstein at age 26 revealed that there was nothing faster than the speed of light and therefore gravity and it’s belief that it acted instantaneously was wrong. In the mid 1800’s James Clark Maxwell unified the various equations of electricity and magnetism and explained Electro Magnetism. Since this time there have been other discoveries. New forces were discovered to complicate matters and the goal of finding one master theory became more difficult. The nucleus strong force was discovered and the ability to let it loose was most helpful when the world went to war against Japan. In Wendover Utah a 5’ round package atop a 100’ tower was detonated with the force of 20,000 tons of TNT. The world was never to be the same. There was still another force to be explained, that of the weak force between the protons and neutrons. They discovered that the atom had much more strength than gravity and confusion over Gravity’s place confounded many. Scientists were lost in the science of the atom and in the late 1920’s the Theory of Quantum Mechanics was developed. The wonderful world of the microscopic, and the work of Niels Boar brought forth this non probable, un-orderly place of chance and uncertainty in a quantum world, where the strange and bazaar were the typical. Einstein believed until his death that there must be one unifying theory that would bring all the forces together, “One theory of Everything.” He once said, “God does not throw dice.”
Isn’t it interesting, at least it is to me, that many of the great scientists of the world actually believe in God? Albert Einstein, in his book The World As I See It, on pages 267-68 said: “The harmony of natural law reveals an Intelligence of such superiority that compared with it, all the scientific thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”
Today the prominent unification theory is that of “String Theory”. Different groups from around the world have been trying to complete the unification of the forces, and this theory is what many believe will do it. But, jump with me now from physics to philosophy and religion. What is frustrating to individuals on both sides, that it appears that we are talking about separate issues. Where I believe it is all the same. There is a saying that “All truth is circumscribed into one great whole.” This quotation comes from my religious teachings. My religious education has been filled with scientific truths, yet scientists throw them out like a baby with the bath water. I know there is a value here that will give direction to the physicists and mathematicians trying to solve the String Theory issue and thereby unify the forces and unify Science and Religion, which would truly be the “Unification” of all truth.

“The apostle Paul spotlighted the greatness of our day when he referred to it as the dispensation of the fullness of times, when God would gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are upon the earth. (See Eph. 1:10.) The ancient prophets eagerly looked forward to our time, and many of them almost lived in our day. They knew about our great knowledge explosion and the unheard-of miracles, wonders and wealth that it would produce. Jesus himself looked beyond the black night of the dark ages, caused by the apostasy from God in the meridian of time, and he saw our day, when the gospel would be restored in a fullness never before known in the world. And as one of the signs preceding his own glorious second coming to the earth, he said, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matt. 24:14.)
Elder Sterling W. Sill, Conference Report, April 1970, Afternoon Meeting, p.28

“Based upon the teachings of the Holy Bible, we assert that revelation from heaven was common in all dispensations of the gospel from Adam to the time when Christ was upon the earth. We agree that it apparently ceased for a time because of apostasy after the beginning of the first century of the Christian era. The founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints asserts that he had a great and overpowering revelation from God-in fact, a visitation in which he beheld the Father and the Son.”
President Hugh B. Brown, Conference Report, April 1969, Second Day—Morning Meeting, p.52

Joseph Smith restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth in these latter days and today you can find truth therein. I am a member of that church and believe it to be true. That revelations have been given to man for their benefit and learning. Answering the questions, “Where did we come from? Why are we here? And Where are we going?” I write this treatise both for members of my church and family in a non official capacity, having not been called, nor sanctioned by my church, but I believe for the benefit of all. Enjoy the concept. You don’t have to believe it for it is after all only a philosophy that couldn’t possibly be proven, or truly most unlikely, through experimentation, which again is an impossibility, or is it? And, I write this to the scientific community to reveal those truths that we as a religion have been taught and believe in. Truth is truth and one must grab hold with both hands when and where you find it. I have not received a revelation from God yet I reveal this to you.

The very basis of this work was first introduced to me by my father Arval L. Streadbeck about Nov. 18, 2003. He presented me a concept that had been revealed to him sometime if not immediately prior to our meeting. He was a Professor at the University of Utah in the language department until his retirement in (1976). His minor was mathematics and he performed calculus operations just for his amusement and interest. It has been our custom to discuss various topics together. On this day we discussed science and philosophy, and he presented the topic of big interest today in mathematics, that of the development of the “string theory.” He briefly correlated his theory that the different degrees of glory as taught in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints would probably fit into this theory of eleven different space time dimensions. He outlined for me how this almost certainly could be interconnected. I have included his first conceptual outline as it was presented to me. [1]
Now to regress a little and describe for you if you will a dilemma I was facing in my life. Through my mission years and later in my life, theories presented themselves of the “life after death” with little or no satisfaction. Discussions of time, dimensions, progression and glory all were deficient and left me intellectually wanting. I wanted a satisfying answer that would gratify my concerns about the eternities. If by chance you don’t know that in our religion we believe that God was once a man like us, and that man can become a God like him. The possibility had always bothered me and almost haunted me as to how we as lowly sinners could ever progress to a state of Godhood. To many even the likelihood was somehow taking away from God himself. Another part of this was the teaching of “we His children were dust of the earth and owing all were subject to Him as servants, praising Him forever with every knee bowing, yet are anointed Kings and Priests to the ”Most High God.” In October of 2003 my wife and I were called to be Temple workers in the Timpanogos Temple in American Fork, Utah. President Ronald Hyde set us apart and specifically said in my blessing that he felt inspired to bless me “that I would receive answers that would be satisfying to me in answering the questions that I have had that were of great concern to me.” He knew nothing about my concerns or questions yet he told me that I would get answers to my questions and “that I would be able to understand how close these worlds of spirits are with ours.” This is not for general publication for if it were I would feel that members of the church would look toward me as just another member deviating from the true gospel of Jesus Christ. This is for my own personal study, research and satisfaction. It is also for my children, their mates in this earthly life and their children, and to help them if similar questions arise in their lives, and give them possible answers; and to the scientific community to assist them in their discoveries. I will attempt to make no conversions but only to assist others that are looking for possible answers to comfort them as it has me.

John Taylor a modern day prophet said,
“We are after the truth. We commenced searching for it, and we are constantly in search of it, and so fast as we find any true principle revealed by any man, by God, or by holy angels, we embrace it and make it part of our religious creed.” [2]

However he cautions us in our intellectual pursuits;

“One great reason why men have stumbled so frequently in many of their researches after philosophical truth [or scientific truth] is that they have sought them with their own wisdom, and gloried in their own intelligence, and have not sought unto God for that wisdom that fills and governs the universe and regulates all things. That is one great difficulty with the philosophers of the world, as it now exists, that man claims to himself to be the inventor of everything he discovers. Any new law and principle which he happens to discover he claims to himself instead of giving glory to God.”[3]

Again I make no claims that these things have come from direct revelation and I pray that if it so be that there is anything that conflicts with the teachings of our Holy Prophets as presented to the body of the church I will quickly strike it from my heart, mind and writings. I now present to you some of those possible doctrinal links as it relates to scientific theory.

Light and Life and Spirit are One

Benjamin F. Johnson was a man who was intimately associated with the Prophet Joseph Smith, the founder and restorer of the Church of Jesus Christ in these latter days to the earth, and by reason of his friendship and trustworthiness, he was privileged to enjoy the confidential instruction and counsels of the Prophet. I take this from a book the Majesty of God by Orson Pratt page 15.

“Well, the keys to all this knowledge was first committed to the Prophet Joseph, as a part of the Gospel, for the world’s benefit, for all of which he was derided. He was the first to teach in this age, “substantialism” the eternity of matter, that no part or particle of the great universe could become annihilated or destroyed; that light and life and spirit were one; that all light is the “Glory of God” which is His power, that fills the immensity of space, and is the life of all things, and permeates with latent life, and heat, every particle of which all worlds are composed; that light or spirit, and matter, are the two first great primary principles of the universe, or of Being, that they are self-existent, co-existent, indestructible, and eternal, and from these two elements both our spirits and our bodies were formulated.”

It seems redundant yet important to recap this great universal truth for you. Joseph Smith taught the world that there are -- two things – that make up everything; Light and Matter, and that our Beings are made up of these self-existent, eternal elements from which everything, including our spirits and bodies were formulated.

Part 1 String Particle Theory

String Particle Theory Introduction

It is an interesting fact but not at all surprising to me that the prophet Lehi taught his children about the basic organization of the universe two thousand five hundred years before scientists had discovered the basics of particle development. There are “both things to act and things to be acted upon.” It wasn’t until 1895 that the electron was discovered and at first called cathode rays by their discoverer. It has taken scientists up to 1983 before the standard model of particle physics was confirmed, and the prophet Joseph was teaching the leadership of the church through revelation from the Lord more advanced things about the nature of the universe and particle theory in the 1830’s. Of course this is to me another witness and it should be to the world as to the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Science and the study thereof is great but not the entire answer. Remember that mysteries are only mysteries until you learn about them and then they are no longer mysteries to you. You learn about the creation process for the reason that it is important for you to understand that nothing, I repeat nothing, because it is of utmost importance for all to comprehend this, nothing concerning this earth came by natural or unnatural accident. It was planned and organized under direction of Elohim our Father in Heaven, through Jesus Christ and Michael (who’s name was changed later to Adam). Scientists can theorize all they want to about the evolution of man, the earth and cosmos, but in the end they and all mankind will discover that everything was organized and created by a God.

“God is unchangeable, so are also his laws, in all their forms, and in all their applications, and being himself the essence of law, the giver of law, the sustainer of law, all of those laws are eternal in all their operations, in all bodies and matter, and throughout all space. It would be impossible for him to violate law, because in so doing he would strike at his own dignity, power, principles, glory, exaltation and existence.”[4]

As I started researching the unification of all things, I came across “The official web site for String Theory,”[5] which was informative and educational. I am sure that it means a great deal more to an advanced mathematician such as my father than it does to myself. Then PBS broadcast the program “The Elegant Universe,” from the book by Brian Greene which filled in the blanks of my education. Here are the basics.

What is theoretical physics?
Figure 1 Sir Isaac Newton

Theoretical physicists use mathematics to describe certain aspects of Nature. Sir Isaac Newton was the first theoretical physicist, although in his own time his profession was called “natural philosophy”.
By Newton's era people had already used algebra and geometry to build marvelous works of architecture, including the great cathedrals of Europe, but algebra and geometry only
describe things that are sitting still. In order to describe things that are moving or changing in some way, Newton invented calculus.
The most puzzling and intriguing moving things visible to humans have always been the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars we can see in the night sky. Newton’s new calculus, combined with his “Laws of Motion”, made a mathematical model for the force of gravity that not only described the observed motions of planets and stars in the night sky, but also of swinging weights and flying cannonballs in England.
Today’s theoretical physicists are often working on the boundaries of known mathematics, sometimes inventing new mathematics as they need it, like Newton did with calculus.
Newton was both a theorist and an experimentalist. He spent many long hours, to the point of neglecting his health, observing the way Nature behaved so that he might describe it better. The so-called “Newton’s Laws of Motion” are not abstract laws that Nature is somehow forced to obey, but the observed behavior of Nature that is described in the language of mathematics. In Newton’s time, theory and experiment went together.
Today the functions of theory and observation are divided into two distinct communities in physics. Both experiments and theories are much more complex than back in Newton’s time. Theorists are exploring areas of Nature in mathematics that technology so far does not allow us to observe in experiments. Many of the theoretical physicists who are alive today may not live to see how the real Nature compares with her mathematical description in their work. Today’s theorists have to learn to live with ambiguity and uncertainty in their mission to describe Nature using math.

The Story so far… particles and relativity.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Newton’s mathematical description of motion using calculus and his model for the gravitational force were extended very successfully to the emerging science and technology of electromagnetism. Calculus evolved into classical field theory.
Once electromagnetic fields were thoroughly described using mathematics, many physicists felt that the field was finished, that there was nothing left to describe or explain.
Then the electron was discovered, and particle physics was born. Through the mathematics of quantum mechanics and experimental observation, it was deduced that all known particles fell into one of two classes: bosons or fermions. Bosons are particles that transmit forces. Many bosons can occupy the same state at the same time. (Particles that act). This is not true for fermions, only one fermion can occupy a given state at a given time, and this is why fermions are the particles that make up matter. (Particles that are acted upon). This is why solids can’t pass through one another, why we can’t walk through walls --because of Pauli repulsion -- the inability of fermions (matter) to share the same space the way bosons (forces) can.
While particle physics was developing with quantum mechanics, increasing observational evidence indicated that light, as electromagnetic radiation, traveled at one fixed speed (in a vacuum) in every direction, according to every observer.

Figure 2 Albert Einstein

This discovery and the mathematics that Einstein developed to describe it and model it in his Special Theory of Relativity, when combined with the later development of quantum mechanics, gave birth to the rich subject of relativistic quantum field theory.
Relativistic quantum field theory is the foundation of our present theoretical ability to describe the behavior of the subatomic particles physicists have been observing and studying in the latter half of the 20th century.
But Einstein then extended his Special Theory of Relativity to encompass Newton’s theory of gravitation, and the result, Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, brought the mathematics called differential geometry into physics.
General relativity has had many observational successes that proved its worth as a description of Nature, but two of the predictions of this theory have staggered the public and scientific imaginations: the expanding Universe, and black holes. Both have been observed, and both encapsulate issues that, at least in the mathematics, brush up against the very nature of reality and existence.

So what is string theory, then?
Figure 3 Atoms are made up of protons,
electrons, neutrons, and quarks.
Figure 4 All particles are actually
vibrating strings

According to string theory, if we could examine all known particles with even greater precision – a precision many orders of magnitude beyond our present technological capacity – we would find that each is not pointlike, but instead consists of a tiny one-dimensional loop. Like an infinitely thin rubber band, each particle contains a vibrating, oscillating, dancing filament that are called strings. (THU p.12)
Figure 5 An individual String

Figure 6 Strings vibrate at different rates.
Think of a cello string that has been tuned by stretching the string under tension across the cello. Depending on how the string is plucked and how much tension is in the string, different musical notes will be created by the string. These musical notes could be said to be excitation modes of that cello string under tension.
Figure 7 Strings of a Cello

Figure 8 Cello strings vibrating

In a similar manner, in string theory, the elementary particles we observe in particle accelerators could be thought of as the “musical notes” or excitation modes of elementary strings.
In string theory, as in cello playing, the string must be stretched under tension in order to become excited. However, the strings in string theory are floating in space time, they aren’t tied down to a cello. Nonetheless, they have tension.

If string theory is to be a theory of quantum gravity, then the average size of a string should be somewhere near the length scale of quantum gravity, called the Planck length, which is about 10 to the -33 centimeters, or about a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter. Unfortunately, this means that strings are way too small to see by current or expected particle physics technology (or financing!!) and so string theorists must devise more clever methods to test the theory than just looking for little strings in particle experiments.
String theories are classified according to whether or not the strings are required to be closed loops, and whether or not the particle spectrum includes fermions. In order to include fermions in string theory, there must be a special kind of symmetry called supersymmetry, which means for every boson (particle that transmits a force) there is a corresponding fermion (particle that makes up matter). So supersymmetry relates the particles that transmit forces to the particles that make up matter.
Supersymmetric partners to currently known particles have not been observed in particle experiments, but theorists believe this is because supersymmetric particles are too massive to be detected at current accelerators. Particle accelerators could be on the verge of finding evidence for high energy supersymmetry in the next decade. Evidence for supersymmetry at high energy would be compelling evidence that string theory was a good mathematical model for Nature at the smallest distance scales.

Table 1 The Three families of fundamental particles and their masses

Family 1 Family 2 Family 3
Particle Mass Particle Mass Particle Mass
Electron .00054 Muon .11 Tau 1.9
Electron- Muon- Tau-
neutrino < name="_Toc103703953">Table 2 The four forces of nature.

Force Force Particle Mass
Strong Gluon 0
Electromagnetic Photon 0
Weak Weak gauge bosons 86, 97
Gravity Graviton 0
How many string theories are there?

Figure 9 Everything in the universe contains strings

There are several ways theorists can build string theories. Start with the elementary ingredient: a wiggling tiny string. Next decide: should it be an open string or a closed string? Then ask: will I settle for only bosons ( particles that transmit forces) or will I ask for fermions, too (particles that make up matter)? (Remember that in string theory, a particle is like a note played on the string.)
If the answer to the last question is “Bosons only, please!” then one gets bosonic string theory. If the answer is “No, I demand that matter exist!” then we wind up needing supersymmetry, which means an equal matching between bosons (particles that transmit forces) and fermions (particles that make up matter). A supersymmetric string theory is called a superstring theory.

The final question for making a string theory should be: can I do quantum mechanics sensibly? For bosonic strings, this question is only answered in the affirmative if the spacetime dimensions number 26. For superstrings we can whittle it down to 10. How we get down to the four spacetime dimensions we observe in our world is another story.

If we ask how to get from ten spacetime dimensions to four spacetime dimensions, then the number of string theories grows, because there are so many possible ways to make six dimensions much much smaller than the other four in string theory. This process of compactification of unwanted spacetime dimensions yields interesting physics on its own.
But the number of string theories has also been shrinking in recent years, because string theorists are discovering that what they thought were completely different theories were in fact different ways of looking at the same theory!
This period in string history has been given the name the second string revolution.
And now the biggest rush in string research is to collapse all theories into one theory, which some people want to call M theory, for it is the Mother of all theories.

Is there a more fundamental theory? More than just strings?

Another surprising revelation was that superstring theories are not just theories of one-dimensional objects. There are higher dimensional objects in string theory with dimensions from zero (points) to nine, called p-branes. In terms of branes, what we usually call a membrane would be a two-brane, a string is called a one-brane and a point is called a zero-brane.
What makes a p-brane? A p-brane is a spacetime object that is a solution to the Einstein equation in the low energy limit of superstring theory, with the energy density of the nongravitational fields confined to some p-dimensional subspace of the nine space dimensions in the theory. (Remember, superstring theory lives in ten spacetime dimensions, which means one time dimension plus nine space dimensions.) For example, in a solution with electric charge, if the energy density in the electromagnetic field was distributed along a line in spacetime, this one-dimensional line would be considered a p-brane with p1.
A special class of p-branes in string theory are called D branes. Roughly speaking, a D brane is a p-brane where the ends of open strings are localized on the brane. A D brane is like a collective excitation of strings.
These objects took a long time to be discovered in string theory, because they are buried deep in the mathematics of T-duality. D branes are important in understanding black holes in string theory, especially in counting the quantum states that lead to black hole entropy, which was a very big accomplishment for string theory.

How many dimensions?

Before string theory won the full attention of the theoretical physics community, the most popular unified theory was an eleven dimensional theory of supergravity, which is supersymmetry combined with gravity. The eleven-dimensional spacetime was to be compactified on a small 7-dimensional sphere, for example, leaving four spacetime dimensions visible to observers at large distances.
This theory didn’t work as a unified theory of particle physics, because it doesn’t have a sensible quantum limit as a point particle theory. But this eleven dimensional theory would not die. It eventually came back to life in the strong coupling limit of superstring theory in ten dimensions.
How could a superstring theory with ten spacetime dimensions turn into a supergravity theory with eleven spacetime dimensions? We’ve already learned that duality relations between superstring theories relate very different theories, equate large distance with small distance, and exchange strong coupling with weak coupling. So there must be some duality relation that can explain how a superstring theory that requires ten spacetime dimensions for quantum consistency can really be a theory in eleven spacetime dimensions after all.

Since we know that all string theories are related, and we suspect that they are but different limits of some more fundamental theory, then perhaps that more fundamental theory exists in eleven spacetime dimensions? These question bring us to the topic of M theory.

The theory currently known as M

Technically speaking, M theory is the unknown eleven-dimensional theory whose low energy limit is the supergravity theory in eleven dimensions discussed above. However, many people have taken to also using M theory to label the unknown theory believed to be the fundamental theory from which the known superstring theories emerge as special limits.
We still don’t know the fundamental M theory, but a lot has been learned about the eleven-dimensional M theory and how it relates to superstrings in ten spacetime dimensions.
In M theory, there are also extended objects, but they are called M branes rather than D branes. One class of the M branes in this theory has two space dimensions, and this is called an M2 brane.
Now consider M theory with the tenth space dimension compactified into a circle of radius R. If one of the two space dimensions that make up the M2 brane is wound around that circle, then we can equate the resulting object with the fundamental string (one-brane) of type IIA superstring theory. The type hA theory appears to be a ten dimensional theory in the normal perturbative limit, but reveals an extra space dimension, and an equivalence to M theory, in the limit of very strong coupling.
We still don’t know what the fundamental theory behind string theory is, but judging from all of these relationships, it must be a very interesting and rich theory, one where distance scales, coupling strengths and even the number of dimensions in spacetime are not fixed concepts but fluid entities that shift with our point of view.
Looking for extra dimensions

What is a dimension?

When we say that the space we live in has three dimensions, what does that mean?
When we describe the size of an object, or of a space like a room, we use three numbers: the height, the width and the depth. The height, width and depth of a room are numbers that can vary independently from one another. That’s one way to see that space is three dimensional. Another way is that we need three numbers to exactly locate ourselves on the Earth: longitude, latitude and elevation above sea level. That’s another argument for space being three-dimensional. That’s what we see.
When mathematicians or physicists talk about dimensions, they mean the number of independent coordinates needed to specify any point in a given space. The tradition is to label these three coordinates (x,y,z), with z usually denoting the up direction or the direction of height.
One of the big discoveries of early classical physics was the similarity between the forces of gravity and electrostatics. The gravitational force between two planets and the electrostatic force between two electric charges were both observed to vary as the inverse square of the distance between the two objects. So if r is your distance from the center of a planet, then the gravitational force of that planet on you will vary like r2. If you go twice as far away, the force will only be one fourth as strong.
But the number of coordinates in a mathematical equation is easy to increase on paper. When the gravitational and electrostatic equations are solved in a space with D dimensions, then the force varies with distance like r10. (Notice this gives the right answer when D=3.)
This gives physicists an interesting way to do fine measurements of the numbers of dimensions of space. They can look at the gravitational force and put quantitative limits on any funny behavior that would come from possible extra dimensions.
If three space dimensions is consistent with current gravitational physics and interior decorating, then why look more closely at the force law? Because there are ways that extra dimensions of space can become undetectable or at least very difficult to detect by our world, so we can eat our cake and hide it, too, so to speak.

Why is time a dimension?

According to Isaac Newton, time was universal for all objects no matter their motion relative to one another. This point of view held until Einstein turned it on its head, because he was bothered that it wasn’t consistent with the propagation of light as electromagnetic radiation.
Einstein’s special theory of relativity, which makes classical mechanics consistent with classical electromagnetism, treats time like a coordinate in a unified spacetime geometry. If time is a coordinate, then instead of three coordinates to describe a point in space, we have four coordinates to describe an event in spacetime. So that’s what is meant by saying that our spacetime has four dimensions. Usually we label them (t,x,y,z).
Special relativity is an approximate theory that is a good approximation when we can neglect the force of gravity and the acceleration of observers in the system. Einstein’s full theory of spacetime, called general relativity, takes the concept of a four dimensional spacetime and extends it to a curved spacetime, where time and space make one united fabric that is curved and stretched and twisted by the distribution of matter and energy in the fabric.
From a mathematical point of view, both special and general relativity can be extended easily to higher space dimensions. If we have D dimensions of space and one time, then we say there are d = D + 1 dimensions of spacetime. The equations of motion can be solved and classified in d dimensions just like in four spacetime dimensions.

Why have more dimensions?

It’s not so hard to construct higher dimensional worlds using the Einstein equations. But the question is then: WHY BOTHER?
It’s because physicists dream of a unified theory: a single mathematical framework in which all fundamental forces and units of matter can be described together in a manner that is internally consistent and consistent with current and future observation.
And it turns out that having extra dimensions of space makes it possible to build candidates for such a theory.

Extra dimensions in string theory

Superstring theory is a possible unified theory of all fundamental forces, but superstring theory requires a 10 dimensional spacetime, or else bad quantum states called ghosts with unphysical negative probabilities become part of the spectrum.
Now this creates a problem in d=1O string theory: how to get the d=4 world as we know it out of the theory.
So far there are two main proposals:
1. Roll up the extra dimensions into some very tiny but nonetheless interesting space of their own. This is called Kaluza Klein compactification.

2. Make the extra dimensions really big, but constrain all the matter and gravity to propagate in a three dimensional subspace called the three brane. (For an analogy, your computer screen could be said to be a two brane of three dimensional space.) These types of theories are called braneworlds.

Part 2 The Self-Existent Intelligence and Particle Theory

Nature of Our Being

Brigham Young loved to talk on this particular subject, and felt that if we knew more about it, our lives would be unalterably different. He once made these remarks on the nature of our beings while speaking in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City;

“I shall address you this morning upon a subject that is more interesting to me than any other pertaining to the life of man. It is a subject of deep study and research, and has been from age to age among the reflecting and philosophical portions of the human family. The intelligence given to the children of men is the subject to which I allude, and upon which has been expended more intellectual labor and profound thought than upon any other that has ever attracted the attention of man.” [6]

When reading his talk my attention was immediately peaked. He went on to say;

“If the inhabitants of the earth thoroughly understood their own being, their views, feelings, faith, and affections would be very different from what they now are.” [7]

This was it, “to understand ones own being” would help to shape our views, feelings, faith and affections, and that our whole lives would be very different from what they now are. This was my search, to find out and understand my own being.

The Psalmist has written, "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor."

“This passage is but one of many which refer to the organization of man as though it were a great mystery—something that could not be fully comprehended by the greatest minds while dwelling in earthly tabernacles. It is a matter of vital interest to each of us, and yet it is often farthest from the thoughts of the greater portion of mankind. Instead of reflecting upon and searching for hidden things of the greatest value to them, they rather wish to learn how to secure their way through this world as easily and as comfortably as possible. The reflections what they are here for, who produced them, and where they are from, far too seldom enter their minds.” [8]

To Adam and Eve the truth was taught by God for all his posterity. Messengers revealed the truths of eternity and the meaning of life on the earth. It is found in the teachings of generations past and present. Brigham Young said;

“The people upon this earth have a great many errors, and they have also a great many truths. This statement is not only true of the nations termed civilized—those who profess to worship the true God, but is equally applicable to pagans of all countries, for in their religious rights and ceremonies may be found a great many truths which we will also gather home to Zion. All truth is for the salvation of the children of men—for their benefit and learning—for their furtherance in the principles of divine knowledge; and divine knowledge is any matter of fact—truth; and all truth pertains to divinity.” [9]

Mysteries of The Mind
Many of the following thoughts come from a talk that Cleon Skousen gave to a group of LDS Missionaries in Florida. I don't know when it was delivered.

Shut your eyes. Now tell me if you think you actually exist. It is interesting that you actually KNOW you exist As the famous philosopher, Rene Descartes, declared:
“Cogito, ergo sum—I think, therefore I am” Descartes was a Frenchman who lived from 1596 to 1650 and is considered by many to be the father of modern philosophy. He believed everything consisted of two things: thinking substance-the mind-and extended substance-or matter. One thing he knew for certain, for fact that he personally existed. And by carefully following a series of propositions, he was certain that God also existed.”
Each of us can know that we exist, but even more, we can know the reason for our existence.
Let’s start with what we know today, and then we must go back to before the beginning of creation as we know it.

Scientific Building Blocks of the Universe

Science does and will eventually homogenize beliefs with religion. All truth is eternal; and all truth pertains to divinity. Science tells us that if we reduce everything back to it’s smallest nature there will be two elements that make up everything. Energy particles called strings and matter particles. These strings vibrate, if you will, at different frequencies. Each possessing different signatures, of which many are the same, or groups of the same kind. It is my belief that there are a numberless amount that have acquired an individual signature, possessing a unique individuality. All strings of energy have been called “light or intelligence” by the prophets and yet there is this one that is “self-existent” and can be referred to as the “intelligence” or the “mind” of our beings.

Religious Building Blocks of the Universe

In a talk to the Georgia Atlanta Mission brother Cleon Skousen tells us his experience with brother John A. Widtsoe, an apostle in the church, and of Brother Widtsoe’s characteristic of not depriving brother Skousen of his unique training method for self discovery. Since it has already been discovered by brother Skousen I won’t ask you to find the answers but straightforwardly relate to you what has already been discovered.

Everything in existence is made up of two tiny particles. “When the prophet Lehi was on his death bed, he explained to his sons that everything in existence is made out of these two tiny building blocks.

14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.[10]

Elder Widtsoe explains that Heavenly Father has called the things which acts by a certain name and the things which is acted upon by another name. These are the two building blocks out of which the Lord has made everything in the entire universe. I like verse 28 as we begin to read from section 93: 28-33

28 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.
30 All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.
33 For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy;[11]

The Lord said that the thing which “acts” is called an intelligence and that which is acted upon” we learn from Brigham Young is called “matter.” He said these building blocks always existed. They are eternal. They cannot be created and they cannot be destroyed. But they can be organized, DISorganized and REorganized.

There are two things that make up intelligence; “light and truth.” (now remember that here we are talking about self-existence intelligence, not intellect or the acquisition of truth). Sometimes we speak of intelligence also as “the light of truth,” and that neither of them, light or truth were “created or made,” and that they are eternal. Truth and Light “act for itself (here the personal pronoun itself designates that light and truth are singular when referred to as intelligence as a whole)… otherwise there is no existence.” Both truth and light act, or produce action, and are included or within that which is referred to as intelligence.

What is Intelligence?

Brigham Young describes for us what intelligence is;

“The principle of intelligence is within us. Who planted it there? He who made us. That which you see developed in the children of men (you may call it disposition, or whatever else you please,) is the force of the mind or the spirit, and the body is a tabernacle organized for its temporary habitation.” [12]

“The life that is within us is a part of an eternity of life, and is organized spirit, which is clothed upon by tabernacles, thereby constituting our present being, which is designed for the attainment of further intelligence. The matter composing our bodies and spirits has been organized from the eternity of matter that fills immensity.” [13]

“Our bodies are organized from the eternity of matter, from such matter as we breathe, and from such matter as is found in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. This matter is organized into a world, with all its appendages, by whom? By the Almighty; and we see it peopled by men and women who are made in the image of God.”[14]

These building blocks always existed. They are eternal. They cannot be created and they cannot be destroyed. But they can be organized, DISorganized and Reorganized, as Skousen points out.

Since the intelligence is the ingredient that “acts”, it is deduced that the elements of “matter” are the particles that are to be “acted upon”.

Brigham Young said that these tiny bits of primal matter or inert particles, are “capacitated to receive Intelligence.” In fact, Brigham Young – who was tutored by the prophet Joseph Smith – seems to have had a complete grasp of the nature of intelligence and its association with primal matter. He said:

“There is an eternity of matter, and it is all acted upon and filled with a portion of divinity. [God’s organized intelligences,] Matter is to exist; it cannot be annihilated. Eternity is without bounds and is filled with matter; and there is no such thing as empty space. And matter is capacitated to receive intelligence….matter can be organized and brought forth into intelligence, and to possess more intelligence… and to continue to increase in intelligence…learn those principles that organized matter [can be made] into animals, vegetables, and into intelligent beings capacitated to receive intelligence.”[15]

These principles were thoroughly understood by Joseph Smith and the early brethren. As Apostle John A. Widtsoe said:

“It was clearly comprehended by the Prophet (Joseph Smith) and his associates that intelligence is the vivifying force of all creation-animate or inanimate – the rock and tree and beast and man, have ascending degrees of intelligence.”[16]

“There is life [or intelligence] in all matter throughout the vast extent of all the eternities; it is in the rock, the sand, in water, air, the gasses, and in short, in every description and organization of matter, whether it be solid, liquid, or gaseous, particle operating with particle.”[17]

Definition of Intelligence

To better understand the definition of intelligence Bruce R. McConkie defines in his book Mormon Doctrine page 387, that the use of this name “intelligence” designates both the primal element from which the spirit offspring were created (of which I have designated the Self Existent Intelligence) and also their inherited capacity to grow in grace, knowledge, power, and intelligence itself, until such intelligences, gaining the fullness of all things, become like their Father, the Supreme Intelligence. (or the Attribute Intelligence) Teachings, p. 354.

Precisely speaking, these intelligences, (speaking of the Self Existent Intelligence,) have each attached themselves to particles of matter. Skousen believes that after this has occurred Abraham refers to them as “organized intelligences.” [18] In this primal form God communicated with and they (the intelligences) were organized by God. He then organized the ones possessing the greater amount of intelligence (the self-existent intelligences) into his spirit children and others into the elements of the earth, its’ surroundings and dimensions.

21 I dwell in the midst of them all; I now, therefore, have come down unto thee to declare unto thee the works which my hands have made, wherein my wisdom excelleth them all, for I rule in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath, in all wisdom and prudence, over all the intelligences thine eyes have seen from the beginning; I came down in the beginning in the midst of all the intelligences thou hast seen.
22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;

Skousen continued, “God can communicate with these intelligences and after they have been thoroughly trained, they can conform to the highly complex instruction they receive from the Father, the Son, or members of the Priesthood authorized to perform certain acts under the guidance of the Father or the Son.”

Joseph Smith taught us;

“The spirit of man is not a created being; it existed from eternity, and will exist to eternity. Anything created cannot be eternal; and earth, water, etc., had their existence in an elementary state, from eternity.”[19]

Here Joseph Smith refers to man’s intelligence as his spirit, which is eternal and could not be created, and also the elementary state, or the intelligence, of the earth, water, etc. had their existence from eternity. From this elementary state Abraham instructs us that they “the intelligences,” were organized by God and created by Jesus Christ under God’s command into the world as we know it.

Joseph Smith educates us;

“ I have another subject to dwell upon, which is calculated to exalt man; but it is impossible for me to say much on this subject. I shall therefore just touch upon it, for time will not permit me to say all. It is associated with the subject of the resurrection of the dead,—namely, the soul—the mind of man—the immortal spirit. Where did it come from? All learned men and doctors of divinity say that God created it in the beginning; but it is not so: the very idea lessens man in my estimation. I do not believe the doctrine; I know better. Hear it, all ye ends of the world; for God has told me so; and if you don't believe me, it will not make the truth without effect. . . .

We say that God Himself is a self-existing being. Who told you so? It is correct enough; but how did it get into your heads? Who told you that man did not exist in like manner upon the same principles? Man does exist upon the same principles. . . .

The mind or the intelligence which man possesses is co-equal co-eternal with God himself. . . .

I am dwelling on the immortality of the spirit of man. Is it logical to say that the intelligence of spirits is immortal, and yet that it has a beginning? The intelligence of spirits had no beginning, neither will it have an end. . . .

Intelligence is eternal and exists upon a self-existent principle. It is a spirit from age to age and there is no creation about it. . . .”[20]

The first principles of man are self-existent with God. [21]

Joseph Fielding Smith commented on this statement as follows:

“In saying the spirit of man is not created the Prophet without any doubt had in mind the intelligence as explained in the Doctrine and Covenants, … but the Prophet taught very clearly that man is in very deed the offspring of God, and that the spirits of men were born in the spirit world the children of God.”[22]

Brigham Young has instructed us as to how the earth was created and how man came to be here.
“Jesus Christ says, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent." We are not now in a capacity to know him in his fullness of glory. We know a few things that he has revealed concerning himself, but there are a great many which we do not know. When people have secured to themselves eternal life, they are where they can understand the true character of their Father and God, and the object of the creation, fall, and redemption of man after the creation of this world. These points have ever been subjects for speculation with all classes of believers, and are subjects of much interest to those who entertain a deep anxiety to know how to secure to themselves eternal life. Our bodies are organized from the eternity of matter, from such matter as we breathe, and from such matter as is found in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. This matter is organized into a world, with all its appendages, by whom? By the Almighty; and we see it peopled by men and women who are made in the image of God.”

“All this vast creation was produced from element in its unorganized state; the mountains, rivers, seas, valleys, plains, and the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms beneath and around us, all speaking forth the wonderful works of the Great God. Shall I say that the seeds of vegetables were planted here by the Characters that framed and built this world—that the seeds of every plant composing the vegetable kingdom were brought from another world? This would be news to many of you. Who brought them here? It matters little to us whether it was John, James, William, Adam, or Bartholomew who brought them; but it was some Being who had power to frame this earth with its seas, valleys, mountains, and rivers, and cause it to teem with vegetable and animal life.”

“Here let me state to all philosophers of every class upon the earth, When you tell me that father Adam was made as we make adobes from the earth, you tell me what I deem an idle tale. When you tell me that the beasts of the field were produced in that manner, you are speaking idle worlds devoid of meaning. There is no such thing in all the eternities where the Gods dwell. Mankind are here because they are the offspring of parents who were first brought here from another planet, and power was given them to propagate their species, and they were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth. The offspring of Adam and Eve are commanded to take the rude elements, and, by the knowledge God has given, to convert them into everything required for their life, health, adornment, wealth, comfort, and consolation. Have we the knowledge to do this? We have. Who gave us this knowledge? Our Father who made us; for he is the only wise God, and to him we owe allegiance; to him we owe our lives. He has brought us forth and taught us all we know. We are not indebted to any other power or God for all our great blessings.”[23]

May we define the spirit children of God as possessing intelligences (our minds), and spirit bodies, which were given to us through spiritual birth to our heavenly parents, and joined together they make up our spirits or souls. It is not until here on earth that we receive the term “living soul” when our spirits join with our physical bodies through the birth process.

Where we Came From

Figure 10 Quantum area or Outer Darkness
There is the area of Quantum Mechanics where chaos exists. It is an area of uncertainty and chance. Order doesn’t exist and yet on occasion may. The probable becomes improbable and the strange commonplace and bazaar. Here intelligence exists with an eternity of matter. This place is the place referred to in doctrine as “Outer Darkness.” It is from here that intelligence is rescued and organized by God.

Skousen asked Elder Widtsoe: “If we always existed, where did we come from?” He said, “Outer Darkness.” I asked, “How do we know that?” He said, “The Lord has revealed what happens to the sons of perdition, and by tracking their disintegration we learn where WE came from. For example, Father Lehi was on his death bed when he addressed his two wicked sons, Laman and Lemuel. He said they were in danger of becoming sons of perdition. They had seen an angel and heard the voice of God reprimanding them for several hours. Lehi therefore said that if they continued to try to murder Nephi and refused to repent of their heinous sins, they would become sons of perdition. Then he told them what that meant. He said they would be stripped of their resurrected bodies, “BOTH BODY AND SOUL”[24]

Brigham Young describes the process of depriving sons of perdition of both body and soul as mentioned by Father Lehi. He said:

“They will be decomposed, both soul and body, and return to their native element. [In other words, the elements of their resurrected bodies will be united with the resurrected earth]... They will be disorganized, and [it] will be as though they never had been, while WE will live and retain our identity, and contend against those principles which tend to death of dissolution....I want to preserve my identity, so that you can see Brigham in the eternal worlds just as you see him now.” [25]

He further explained that Satan and his angels would be stripped of their spirits. In both cases this leaves the individual intelligence without any embodiment whatever. Each one has lost his former identity, with nothing remaining but the naked, individual intelligence.

No doubt this is what the Lord meant when he said:

“Whosoever repenteth not is HEWN down and cast into the fire: and there cometh upon them again a spiritual death, yea, a second death, for they are cut off again as to things pertaining to righteousness.” [26]
And again:
“By and by the end cometh, and they are HEWN down and cast into the fire [of outer darkness], from whence there is no return.” [27]

At that point Skousen couldn’t help asking Widstoe; “What happens to these stripped, disembodied, naked intelligences?”

Elder Widtsoe then called his attention to Doctrine and Covenants, 88:32 where it says that these afflicted entities will “RETURN AGAIN to their own place.” The scripture says this means:

“They shall go away into outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and nashing of teeth.” [28]

And in another place it says:

“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast [Satan] and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night FOR EVER AND EVER.” [29]

Just as wood when hewn down and cast into fire reduces it to ashes and separates the energy from the elements so happens to the disorganization of the body and soul when sent back to the place that is dark from the light of a supreme being.

Of course it would not be just for God to cast the bodies of the sons of perdition into outer darkness just because the master intelligence in charge of each spirit of resurrected sons of perdition had committed an unpardonable sin. Those tiny intelligences in those bodies had been obedient to God. Therefore, the material in the spirits and the resurrected bodies of Satan’s hosts will be consigned back to the earth and thereafter be glorified when the earth is celestialized.

The great tragedy of all this is that all those who became servants of Satan can never return. (D&C 29:29) They cannot be swept up in some future round of creation and recycled. Having betrayed God after being endowed with tremendous spiritual blessings they have lost their place in God’s program of eternal progression forever. Hundreds of millions of other intelligences are awaiting their turn. Because the sons of perdition have betrayed God they have completely forfeited their eternal blessings.

Can God or His Servants rearrange the Building Blocks?

Finally, Skousen asked Elder Widtsoe, “Since everything is made out of the two simple building blocks consisting of intelligence and bits of primal matter, are there any instances where God has transposed one thing into something entirely different?”

“Yes” Elder Widtsoe replied. “God has done this for his prophets so they could comprehend the extent of the Father’s supreme power. For Example we have the story of Moses set forth in Exodus, Chapters 3 and 4. “Here is what happened:
When Moses was 80 years of age the Lord commissioned him to go down into Egypt and bring out the enslaved children of Israel.

Moses had left Egypt at the age of 40 under a death warrant for slaying a slave master. Therefore Moses was afraid to return to Egypt. The Lord assured Moses that he would go with him, but Moses was still afraid. Therefore, the Lord determined to demonstrate to his newly called prophet that having the power of God to go with him was a fantastic advantage.

To illustrate his power, God commanded Moses to cast his shepherd’s staff onto the ground. When he did so, the staff turned from the fibers of wood in the staff to the cellular flesh of a snake. This greatly frightened Moses and he began to flee, but the Lord told him to pick up the serpent by the tail and when he did so, the cellular flesh of the snake turned back into the wooden fibers of his shepherd’s staff.

The Lord then told Moses to put his hand into his bosom. Moses was about to learn something very remarkable about a human hand. To begin with, it is made of dirt, just ordinary common dirt. When the spirit leaves that hand it returns to dirt. But that dirt is saturated with intelligences. So the Lord said to those little entities, don’t go back to dirt but simulate leprosy. They did so, and when Moses was told by the Lord to withdraw his hand from his bosom, he was horrified to see it dripping with incurable leprosy. He must have wondered what God was doing to him?

The Lord then told Moses to put his hand back in his bosom, which he gingerly did. Then the Lord commanded the leprous cells to become healthy flesh as they were before. The Lord then told Moses to take his hand from his bosom and when he saw that it was now beautiful pink flesh, he was greatly relieved and gratified beyond expression.

The Lord promised Moses other miracles if they were needed--such as turning water into blood.[30]

However, this was sufficient to demonstrate the power of God to communicate with the intelligences in matter and thereby change wood to flesh and, later on, produce water gushing out of solid rock. [Numbers 20:11] In the final analysis, everything is made of just two things and God can communicate with the vast host of intelligences to have them become whatever he wishes.

These Truths have been taught since the Beginning

Throughout the history of the world, the people were taught these principles. Clearly the Prophet Joseph taught the early leaders of the church concerning this matter. From Abraham to the Prophet Lehi it was taught and understood.

Read with me the words of Job in chapter 10, the heading and to verse 22.

Job is weary of life—He complains to God about his afflictions—Why hast thou brought me forth out of the womb? he asks. He understands that Man’s eyes see differently than God’s and is in a different time dimension. He knows that God is all powerful. He fully understands that he was an intelligence and that God molded him as the clay from the dust, he understands his power and goodness, that he was given a body of flesh and bones. He tells the Lord that he understands the purpose of life and is confused that the Lord might think that he is wicked. He believes he must be wicked for why would God do this to him if he were righteous? He believes that it would have been better that he would have remained as spirit. He lets us know that he understands that death is the separation of body and spirit, he even knows that the place that the very wicked go is a place of darkness, without order, and where light is as darkness. We call this place outer-darkness where the Sons of Perdition will return to.

1 MY soul is weary of my life; I will leave my complaint upon myself; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.
2 I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me.
3 Is it good unto thee that thou shouldest oppress, that thou shouldest despise the work of thine hands, and shine upon the counsel of the wicked?
4 Hast thou eyes of flesh? or seest thou as man seeth?
5 Are thy days as the days of man? are thy years as man's days,
6 That thou enquirest after mine iniquity, and searchest after my sin?
7 Thou knowest that I am not wicked; and there is none that can deliver out of thine hand.
8 Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about; yet thou dost destroy me.
9 Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay; and wilt thou bring me into dust again?
10 Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese?
11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews.
12 Thou hast granted me life and favour, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.
13 And these things hast thou hid in thine heart: I know that this is with thee.
14 If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity.
15 If I be wicked, woe unto me; and if I be righteous, yet will I not lift up my head. I am full of confusion; therefore see thou mine affliction;
16 For it increaseth. Thou huntest me as a fierce lion: and again thou shewest thyself marvellous upon me.
17 Thou renewest thy witnesses against me, and increasest thine indignation upon me; changes and war are against me.
18 Wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out of the womb? Oh that I had given up the ghost, and no eye had seen me!
19 I should have been as though I had not been; I should have been carried from the womb to the grave.
20 Are not my days few? cease then, and let me alone, that I may take comfort a little,
21 Before I go whence I shall not return, even to the land of darkness and the shadow of death;
22 A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness.
(Old Testament Job 10:Heading - 22)

Object of Our Creation

Intelligence (that union of spirit or light and truth and matter particles) has always existed, and it being useless unless there was something for it to act upon, or there would be no existence. God became the individual who grew grace by grace, truth by truth until he possessed all knowledge and held the keys and powers and can pass on all truth to other souls who have been tried, tested and proven worthy. It has been a battle of good verses evil from all time. I don’t know when the first God became God, or why he chose the form he has chosen, it matters not for the purpose of our discussion. I DO know that we are in the likeness and image of our God as was Jesus Christ, and that we can become like them, possessing all knowledge of truth and light by keeping His commandments.

Intelligence is the energy particle or light that all things are made. This light can be increased or decreased. It can and does receive more intelligence as well as the attribute intelligence which can also be called light.

I should like to conclude by repeating the words of Brigham Young,

“The whole object of the creation of this world is to exalt the intelligences that are placed upon it, that they may live, endure, and increase for ever and ever. We are not here to quarrel and contend about the things of this world, but we are here to subdue and beautify it. Let every man and woman worship their God with all their heart. Let them pay their devotions and sacrifices to him, the Supreme, and the Author of their existence. Do all the good you can to your fellow-creatures. You are flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. God has created of one blood all the nations and kingdoms of men that dwell upon all the face of the earth: black, white, copper-colored, or whatever their color, customs, or religion, they have all sprung from the same origin; the blood of all is from the same element.”[31]

Our spirits were tabernacled from the dust of the earth endowed with the principle of intelligence, with the capacity to receive more intelligence.

“We are organized to be so independent in this capacity as to determine and act for ourselves as to whether we will serve God and obey him in preference to serving ourselves. If we serve ourselves and evil principles, we do not subserve the object of our creation. This element of which our tabernacles are organized is calculated to decompose and return to its mother earth, or to its native element. This intelligence, which might be called divine intelligence, is implanted in mortal or human beings; and if we take a course to promote the principles of life—seek unto our Father and God, and obtain his will and perform it, the spirit will become purified, sanctified, cleansed, and made holy in the body, and the grave will cleanse the flesh. When the spirit overcomes the evil consequences of the fall, which are in the mortal tabernacle, it will reign predominant in the flesh, and is then prepared to be exalted, and will, in the resurrection, be reunited with those particles that formed the mortal body, which will be called together as with the sound of a trumpet and become immortal. Why? Because the particles composing these bodies have been made subject and obedient, by the law of the everlasting Priesthood, and the will and commandment of the Supreme Ruler of the universe, who holds the keys of life and death. Every principle, act, and portion of the lives of the children of men that does not tend to this will lead to an eternal dissolution of the identity of the person.”[32]

Part 3 Intellect and the Attribute Intelligence

Man is capacitated to Receive Intelligence

We have learned that “Intelligence” or the element called the “Self Existent Intelligence,” has always existed and will always exist. It is our minds, our spirit, or divine eternal essence. It is separate from our spiritual or mortal personages but can be joined with them. It is enlightened and instructed by a superior spirit and it is believed that true happiness comes from learning and knowing the Truth. The acquisition of knowledge comes only through study, prayer, a humble and contrite spirit, in living virtuous lives and by keeping the commandments of God. This part of “Intelligence” is that element called “attribute intelligence,” where man is capacitated to receive knowledge or TRUTH. This capacity is often referred to as intellect as well as intelligence.

Definition of Intellect

All of us have known, been associated with or might even consider themselves intellectuals. Those individuals accepted as ones possessing superior intelligence, a brainy person, a person endowed with unusual mental capacity. Some of us consider ourselves individuals who enjoy matters of the mind and find great satisfaction in study, reflection, and speculation, yet do not consider or even entertain the notion that we might be or ever will become intellectuals. Some feel that an intellectual must devote his or her attention to matters concerning large, profound, or abstract issues, and if found wandering the halls of art galleries you were immediately found suspect. Occurring most often yet not conclusive with this cerebration is the often inept ability to solve practical problems.

To better understand intellectual matters we must first understand intelligence and what the intellect is. A definition of intellect may follow: the power or faculty of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will; a person given to reflective thought or reasoning; to perceive or understand. Accordingly intelligence is the faculty of understanding; the capacity to know or apprehend. When one has intelligence, the ability by using one’s knowledge to meet new situations and to solve new problems, to learn, to foresee problems, to use symbols or relationships, to create new relationships, to think abstractly, is all part of, but certainly not premier in understanding intelligence. Also included in the definition is the ability to perceive one’s environment, to deal with it symbolically, to deal with it effectively, to adjust to it, to work toward a goal, the degree of awareness the mechanism of reasoning whether conceived as a unified intellectual factor or as the aggregate of many intellectual factors or abilities, as intuitive or as analytic, as organismic, biological, physiological, psychological, social, natural or spiritual in origin.

There is an Eternity of Knowledge

In February 1856 Brigham Young gave to the Saints one of his most profound discourses on the eternal increase of knowledge. He said;

“As Saints in the last days we have much to learn; there is an eternity of knowledge before us; at most we receive but very little in this stage of our progression.

The most learned men that have ever lived on the earth have only been able to obtain a small amount of knowledge, in comparison to the vast store of information that exists for the faithful Saints.

It cannot be understandingly exhibited by any individual, not even by an angel, to the people any further than they are able to receive and comprehend it; consequently the Lord has to descend to our capacities and give us a little here and a little there, line upon line, and precept upon precept, as the Prophet has said.

But we are so organized, and it is so ordained, that we can receive that little, and still continue to receive a little and a little more, and treasure up and retain in our memories that which we have received, so that it will be ready when it is necessary to bring it forth. What we learn to day does not prevent our learning more to-morrow, and so on.

This principle is inherent in the organization of all intelligent beings, so that we are capable of receiving, and receiving, and receiving from the inexhaustible fountain of knowledge and truth.”[33]

To Know the Truth You Must Know God

We are reminded that the only way to know the truth is by getting to know God, and this we do by learning about the Son. We must be submissive, obedient and understand the principle that the spirit must rule you and me. It is that same “life” that is in you is in me, is in the Savior and in the possession of the Father. We must let it control our actions and dictate us in life.

“It has been frequently stated to us, and is a doctrine we understand, that this people have got to become of one heart and one mind. They have to know the will of God and do it, for to know the will of God is one thing, and to bring our wills, our dispositions, into subjection to that which we do understand to be the will of God is another.

We might say that this is the first lesson we have to learn and one of the easiest, one that is calculated and adapted to the capacity of the child, to learn to be submissive to our Father in heaven. Parents require this duty of their children, when they have become intelligent enough to understand that the parent is superior in point of government, and strict obedience is required by that authority. That the parent is his superior is one of the first lessons that the child learns—that he is his dictator to measure and guide his steps, as soon as he comes to an understanding of what is required.

If we are obedient to the will of our Father in heaven it accomplishes one grand object, namely, our being the disciples of Christ, for he observed to his disciples, "Except ye are one ye are not mine." "I am in my Father and ye in me, and I in you," one eternal principle governing and controlling the intelligence that dwells in the persons of the Father and the Son. I have these principles within me, Jesus has them within him, and you have them within you. I am governed and controlled by them, my elder brother, Jesus, is governed and controlled by them. He learned them, Jesus learned them, and we must learn them in order to receive crowns of glory, immortality, and eternal lives.

The principle of eternal life that sustains all intelligent beings, that governs and controls all things in eternity, the principle by which matter does exist, the principle by which it is organized, by which it is redeemed and brought into celestial glory, is the principle that is in you and me, that is in our heavenly Father.

It is life, it is the life of Christ and of every Saint; in this capacity they are in us and we in them. We must be possessed of the spirit that governs and controls the angels, we must have the same spirit within us that our Father in heaven is in possession of.

That spirit must rule you and me, it must control our actions and dictate us in life, we must cling to it and imbibe it until it becomes a second nature to us. We are accustomed to saying second nature, but in reality it is the first nature that we had, though sin has perverted it. God planted it there as the predominant principle, but our giving way to temptation has frustrated the plan and driven it from us.

How easy it is for people to understand and do the will of God, if they will throw off their unrighteous traditions and let truth stand for truth, light for light, and let that which is of God be received as such.”[34]

All Truth Comes from God

All truth comes from God, and there is not anything that has been given to man that has not been given to him from God. At various times truth has been given to men in God’s wisdom to bring to pass His immortal purposes.

“When truth comes, receive it as from the Lord, and let everything be simplified to us as unto children, for the Lord has ordained that we may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of the truth, and be able to receive more knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, and it is not possible for us to receive it any other way, only as we apply our hearts strictly to overcome every evil and cleave to that which is pleasing to the Lord—to that which tends to life and salvation. This is the only channel in which we can become of one heart and of one mind.[35]

This has been the burden of our exhortations, prayers, and pleadings. It was the burden of the exhortations, prayers, and pleadings of the servants of God who lived in ancient days, as much as it is of those who live now. No good person has ever lived on the earth—one who understood the principles of life—but what he has desired to see the time when the people would be governed by other principles than those of sin and selfishness.

All the righteous have desired to see the people governed by principles that will endure, and that will give durability to all who obey them. Their bowels of compassion yearned continually after the sons of men, and they labored to bring them under the control and government of the principles of eternal life, and to cut them loose from the little, selfish, frivolous, trifling, deathly principles that pertain to this flesh.

What would be the result of this effort and desire, if accomplished among us? We should be of one heart and of one mind; we should cease to play the hypocrite; we should cease to be slothful servants; we should cease to do evil and do good continually.”[36]

Memory is a Strange Thing

It is not easy for man to know all there is to know about things. I remember commenting about my father that, “he has forgotten more that I will ever know.” Memory is a strange thing. I can recall some things from my early youth, and yet forget the things I learned last week. Brigham Young talks about memory;

“The reflections of many are that they cannot govern and control themselves. And should we ask some whether their memory is good, whether they can recollect certain transactions which have transpired thus and so, they would reply, "No, our memory is very treacherous." That is true, but in different degrees, with all people.

We may ask one person, can you remember anything you wish to, and the reply may be, "It is with difficulty that we remember anything." This lack of mental force is found in a large class of mankind, but to search into the causes of this would take us far back, for they pertain to parents as well as to children, to the ancient as well as to the modern inhabitants of this globe.

Another peculiarity of memory is; the stronger recollection of an injury than a favor; for instance, take a person of the most treacherous memory and apply a little cayenne pepper to his eyes, and he will remember that act as long as he lives.

It is an old saying, "That we can forgive (it is man's privilege) but we cannot forget." Can you forget an injury? No, you will always remember it. But on the other hand, suppose that a friend should come, in the hour of your distress, to relieve you from pain and suffering, and by laying his hands upon you your pain is gone; or furnish you food when you have none, and administer to your wants in everything calculated to make you happy and comfortable in body and mind, you will forget those kind acts many times quicker than the act of throwing a little cayenne pepper in your eyes.

Our memories deceive us, for it is easier to remember an injury than a blessing. "That we can forgive (an injury against us) but we cannot forget." Pain and suffering stays with us but a blessing of health is soon forgotten.

Think of that and ask yourselves the cause; reason as to why it is that you can remember an injury better than a kindness; why you can retain hatred longer than love. Is it through your fallen nature? Is it because you were begotten and born in sin? Or is it not rather because the power of the tempter has control over you, and because the world is full of evil principles, and you have adhered to them? Yes, this is the cause, and you must acknowledge it. The whole world is contaminated with a spirit to remember evil and forget the good.”[37]

Man is a Mystery to Himself

“Man is a mystery to himself, and but few of the inhabitants of the earth inquire into their own organization—their being, their capacity, or even into principle. The nations of the earth come and go, and every person of reflection discerns a deep mystery in man. There is a spirit in man, and that spirit is more or less enlightened and instructed by a superior spirit; yet the hearts of men are absorbed in the things of time, and they wear out their lives in their efforts to preserve them. This is the reason why so many pass like a cloud. They are here; they take no thought only to subsist as long as they can, and they are gone for ever.”

“Of those who have leisure and means to improve their minds and make themselves very useful, there are but few who do not squander their time and means. They do not improve upon their talents; … they do not improve upon the capital they possess. There is a great amount of ignorance in the world; and most people are lacking in researches concerning their own origin. Some have not the opportunity, others have not the time, and with the majority their education is such that they have not the disposition for those researches. But above all, they waste the knowledge that is naturally within them—their natural endowments. All men should study to learn the nature of mankind, and to discern that divinity inherent in them. A spirit and power of research is planted within, yet they remain undeveloped.”[38]

What will Satisfy the Mind?

We possess minds that God himself only knows of what we are capable of learning and knowing the truth. We are in constant search of something that will satisfy our individual capacity to learn. To some, it seems, they are easily satisfied, but in truth they are not. Brigham Young explains it to us this way;

“What will satisfy the mind? Will gold? Will silver? Will houses, lands, and possessions? Search the world over, and you will at once discover that they will not. Will power and influence over their fellow-beings satisfy? They will not. They may give a momentary satisfaction; but it soon passes away like a morning cloud, and the possessors are still laboring and striving to attain more. This was exhibited in the career of Alexander the Great, who conquered almost the whole of the then known world, and was still so dissatisfied with himself and with his life—with his power and possessions—that he died in debauchery at an early age. He obtained power, wealth, fame, and renown, and was still so dissatisfied that he mourned, and wept, and threw away his life ere arriving at middle age.

”What would satisfy the children of men, if they had it in their possession? Only truth and the true principles and conduct flowing from its observance. True, certain classes of the inhabitants of the earth are pretty well satisfied with themselves, through their researches in the philosophies of the day, and especially in the science of astronomy, which gives the greatest scope to the mind; and yet they are not fully satisfied. What will satisfy us? If we understood all principles and powers that are, that have been, and that are to come, and had wisdom sufficient to control powers and elements with which we are associated, perhaps we would then be satisfied. If this will not satisfy the human mind, there is nothing that will.”[39]

“Is there any such thing as happiness upon the earth? There is; and could people understand its beginning—its germ, they would strive to obtain truth and to increase in true knowledge: then the person calculated to receive much would have enjoyment in proportion, and one capacitated to receive but little would be satisfied therewith. Is there such knowledge upon the earth? There is. Are there true principles? There are.”[40]

Intelligence is in All Things and desires happiness

The “intelligence” is in all things; the rocks, the animals and vegetables as well as man, and can be brought forth into intelligence, and possess more or less according to the purpose of their creation. Brigham Young said;

“If we could so understand true philosophy as to understand our own creation, and what it is for—what design and intent the Supreme Ruler had in organizing matter and bringing it forth in the capacity that I behold you here to-day, we could comprehend that matter cannot be destroyed—that it is subject to organization and disorganization; and could understand that matter can be organized and brought forth into intelligence, and to possess more intelligence, and to continue to increase in that intelligence; and could learn those principles that organized matter into animals, vegetables, and into intelligent beings; and could discern the Divinity acting, operating, and diffusing principles into matter to produce intelligent beings, and to exalt them—to what? Happiness. Will nothing short of that fully satisfy the spirits implanted within us? No.”[41]

“In all my acts in life there is an object. I have something in view, you have something in view, and so has the whole human family, as also all intelligence of every grade.”[42]

“What principal object have human beings in view? Happiness. Give me glory, give me power, give me wealth, give me a good name, give me influence with my fellow-men, give me all these, and it does not follow that I am thereby made happy; that depends altogether upon what principle those acquisitions were gained. Absolute tyranny never can produce happiness, neither can an influence unjustly gained and used; but give me influence with the children of men, and can that alone produce happiness? It cannot. What will give a man joy? That which will give him peace. What will produce joy and peace? If a man gains influence from the confidence he enjoys through his integrity, his honesty, goodness, uprightness, virtue, and truth, that influence will satisfy his mind; and influence gained in other courses cannot.”[43]

“He gave his life a ransom to atone for the sins of the world, and he has pointed out the way. His law is sacred, omnipotent, eternal; and that is the law to obey. Let the Lord speak, and let the people obey. That is the way to gain that happiness which all mankind are seeking, and no other course can satisfy the noble, Godlike spirit placed in man, who is formed for the express purpose of preserving his identity to all eternity. Without strict observance to the laws by which worlds were and are created—to the words of the Eternal, no being can inherit eternal lives.

These are the principles that this people, who are by many deemed to be the most ignorant, outlandish, corrupt, base, vile, and wicked people on the globe, have imbibed, and are striving to practice, and through so doing are hated all the day long. Ignorant? Yes, we are ignorant; but we are on the high road to that eternal knowledge that fills the bosoms of the Gods in eternity. If we are faithful to the end, we have the promise that we shall obtain that crown of glory and eternal life that will give us the satisfaction we are seeking. These principles are true; and let me observe to all, Saints and sinners, young and old, wise and ignorant, Do not mistake any points of doctrine you hear preached. The spirit in man is always enlightened, more or less, by the Spirit of the Holy One of Israel—that Being who gave the law.”[44]

The Glory of God is Intelligence

Joseph Smith said, “There is a superior intelligence bestowed upon such as obeyed the Gospel with full purpose of heart, which, if sinned against, the apostate is left naked and destitute of the Spirit of God.” [45]

Intelligence is bestowed upon such that keep the commandments with the full purpose of heart, and if one does not they will be stripped of God’s spirit and left destitute as the sons of perdition.

Joseph Smith on another occasion said; “I therefore availed myself of this favorable opportunity to drop a few words upon this subject, by way of advice, that they might improve their minds and cultivate their powers of intellect in a proper manner, that they might not incur the displeasure of heaven; that they should handle sacred things very sacredly, and with due deference (reverence or respect) to the opinions of others, and with an eye single to the glory of God.” [46]

We read in the Doctrine and Covenants 93:28, 31 :

28 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.[47]

31 Behold, here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light.[48]

In the definition by Webster on intelligence I inserted the word spiritual into the expression. Without which no complete definition or understanding of intelligence can be made. The answer comes through the divine and eternal perspective of what, spiritually speaking, an intelligent being is. Herein lies the answer.

The supreme, the holy, infinite, and eternal spiritual reality, the creator, sustainer, and righteous sovereign, and redeemer of the universe, is the Lord God Elohim. He being and clearly is the example for man. Understanding and knowing who God is reveals to man in its purest form the mysteries of the heavens and awakens the deepest primal references as to who man is, was and will become.

It is said of God;
He comprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all things are round about him; and he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; and all things are by him, and of him, even God, forever and ever.
(Doctrine and Covenants Section 88:41)

The glory of God is intelligence. (Doctrine and Covenants Section 93:36)
God’s glory comes both from the attribute intelligence and most definitely from his merciful plan of bringing forth all the intelligences unto exaltation.

These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all. (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 3:19)

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Old Testament Isaiah 55:8 - 9)

We are commanded to know and love him and have no other gods before him. Knowing God being a pre requisite for eternal life. In order to know him and keep this, the greatest commandment we must learn who he is.

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (New Testament John 17:3)

And, Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. (New Testament Matthew 22:37)

We have an insight into who He is by our understanding of Jesus Christ and who we are and where we came from.

God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Old Testament Genesis 1:27)

As man is God once was and as God is man may become.

The truly intelligent man will do as he is commanded;

What doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good? Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord’s thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is. (Old Testament Deuteronomy 10:12 - 14)

Eternal Increase of Knowledge

“We see man upon the earth, and discern that he is endowed with great intelligence, which displays its scope and power in various ways to meet and provide for the exigencies and wants of the human race. Wise statesmen know how to devise and plan for a kingdom, and can closely calculate the results of the policies they adopt. They understand the course to be pursued to induce the people to submit to a wholesome government or to a despotic rule as may please the will of the rulers. There are historians of various grades, philosophers wise and simple, and an exceedingly great variety of capacities and tastes. In our Republican government we see some who are acute politicians, but that seems to be the extent of their knowledge. You may find others who are good statesmen, but poor politicians. Some are excellent mathematicians, and understand and care for but little outside that science. Still, if a man is capable of learning the geography of the earth, he is also capable of learning the laws of the nations that inhabit it, if you will give him time according to his capacity. One scholar in a school may far outstrip the rest; but give them sufficient time, and they can learn what the quick, bright scholar has learned so easily and quickly. If we are capacitated to learn one thing to-day, we can learn another to-morrow. It is the height of folly to say that a man can only learn so much and no more. The further literary men advance in their studies, the more they discern there is to learn, and the more anxious they are to learn. This is made manifest before us day by day, and is observed upon the face of the whole earth.’[49]

“That which is to be learned in the eternities of the Gods pertains to life, and that life is exhibited to the human family in the degree which they are capacitated to receive it, that they may be taught as we teach our children, that they may learn the first rudiments of eternal lives.”[50]

“We might ask, when shall we cease to learn? I will give you my opinion about it; never, never. If we continue to learn all that we can, pertaining to the salvation which is purchased and presented to us through the Son of God, is there a time when a person will cease to learn? Yes, when he has sinned against God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost—God's minister; when he has denied the Lord, defied Him and committed the sin that in the Bible is termed the unpardonable sin—the sin against the Holy Ghost. That is the time when a person will cease to learn, and from that time forth, will descend in ignorance, forgetting that which they formerly knew, and decreasing until they return to the native element, whether it be one thousand or in one million years, or during as many eternities as you can count. They will cease to increase, but must decrease, until they return to the native element. These are the only characters who will ever cease to learn, both in time and eternity.”[51]

Part 4 Mind-Spirit verses Body-Flesh

Body and Soul

I once attended a movie, which was titled “Johnny Get Your Gun.” It was a story where a young man enlisted in the army and went off to war. Walking along a road he stepped on a land mine blowing him up. He lost his face including his ears, his arms and legs. He was left with only the brain in his head and enough vital organs to keep him alive. Everything else was gone from the blast. He was fed through tubes directly into his stomach. He couldn’t hear, talk, see, smell, touch and speak. He had so much nerve damage that for the most part he couldn’t feel. The skin on his body was so badly burned that there was little if any feeling. Those taking care of him didn’t know if he was in pain so they kept him sedated. He essentially was only a mind, laying there on the bed unable to communicate, learn, feel or show emotion. I imagined his condition being like that of our intelligences (our spirits) without bodies. One would not be able to act or gain experience. It wouldn’t matter if you were good or evil for you had nothing to act upon. You could have no joy if there was nothing to be joyous about. The warm rays of the sun could give you warmth if you only had skin to feel the warmth. You could hear the melodious tones of a lullaby or a language spoken if you only had ears to hear. You could smell the wondrous fragrances of the lemon, orange or rose blossom if you only had a nose. You could see the variations of the earth, the mountains, the streams, a sunset or sunrise, or the multitude of shapes of what things are if you only had eyes. You could taste the sweetness of chocolate or the sourness of a lime, if you only had a tongue. You could gain no experience for you would have had none. You could have no rewards because you could perform no works to be rewarded. Your entire existence would be meaningless. What a frightening experience. To lie there, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. Oh what a wonderful thing it would be if someone came along and gave you the ability to have these experiences of the senses and to learn and gain knowledge. I know that one would leap at the opportunity. Then, with almost an obsession, frantically and with much fervor assimilate everything and anything that one could. The mind would consume the world around it.

The marvelous plan began when God went to the edge of outer darkness and summoned the intelligences that were to begin this round of creation. Calling them forth and organizing them before the world was. Each excited to take their place in whatever capacity they were called for.
The noble and great ones were to become his offspring and continue the eternal progression of God. There was one more thing necessary in order for them to progress and that was a body.

Man was created in the image of God, possessing the same godly attributes. What he lacked was the experience and knowledge that God had attained. He must somehow prove himself worthy for such knowledge. And so the plan was laid. Man was to come to an earth for experience, to gain knowledge, to show his true character through a testing period. If he succeeded he could become like God and hold all knowledge and power to create worlds without number to house his family. If he failed, then there was a place prepared for him. What man needed was a body to feed the spirit and proceed with the plan.

The Spirit is Pure

Brigham Young said, talking about the self existent intelligence; “I have taught you that the spirit is pure, when it comes into the tabernacle. The tabernacle is subject to sin, but the spirit is not. A great many think that the spirits of the children of men, when they enter the tabernacles, are totally depraved; this is a mistake. They are as holy as the angels; the devil has no power to contaminate them, he only contaminated the bodies. When your spirit wishes to worship the Father, and your body is so full of weakness or wickedness, that you feel as though you could not do it, go to and bring your body into subjection; bow the knee and confess that Jesus is the Christ, if it is darker that 10,000 midnights in your minds; say, "I am for the Lord anyhow."[52]

Flesh is Weak

“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak,” was a saying I would hear while growing up. I remember on more than one occasion that I would lie in bed thinking of the things I wanted to accomplish that day. I actually enjoyed helping my parents and in general doing good things. The bed seemed to have some great power over me and I would just lie there feeling the warmth and comfort of the covers. My mind would often not have the power to overcome the temptation of remaining there unless my parents caringly raised their voices to raise me or they would assist me in a more physical manner. It was not until my church mission that I gained the strength of spirit to overcome the flesh. The flesh is subject to all kinds of stimulation soaking up the world around it like a sponge. It seeks pleasure from all the senses and takes upon it pain and suffering. It succumbs to temptation, being under the influence of the evil one and is easily addicted to vices. Now here is an important truth. There are two minds, that of the spirit and that of the body. The difficulty is learning which one to listen to and obey. Will we listen to the spirit mind or the mind of our flesh?

The Veil over Heaven

“It has also been decreed by the Almighty that spirits, upon taking bodies, shall forget all they had known previously, or they could not have a day of trial—could not have an opportunity for proving themselves in darkness and temptation, in unbelief and wickedness, to prove themselves worthy of eternal existence. The greatest gift that God can bestow upon the children of men is the gift of eternal life—that is, to give mankind power to preserve their identity—to preserve themselves before the Lord.”[53]

“The disposition, the will, the spirit, when it comes from heaven and enters the tabernacle, is as pure as an angel.”[54]

“The spirit from the eternal worlds enters the tabernacle at the time of what is termed quickening, and forgets all it formerly knew. It descends below all things, as Jesus did. All beings, to be crowned with crowns of glory and eternal lives, must in their infantile weakness begin, with regard to their trials, the day of their probation. They must descend below all things, in order to ascend above all things. There could not be a more helpless child born of a woman than was Jesus Christ; yet he so grew and increased in wisdom and might, that in childhood he could confound the doctors and lawyers in his questions and answers. He increased rapidly in his mental capacity, for he was the Son of the Father who dwells in eternity, and was capacitated to receive the wisdom of eternity faster than we can. But we are capacitated to shun every evil, if we listen to the still small voice and to those holy principles that flow from the fountain of all intelligence.”[55]

“Cleave to light and intelligence with all your hearts, my brethren, that you may be prepared to preserve your identity, which is the greatest gift of God.”[56]

The Light of Christ

It is recorded in the New Testament, and said to be the words of the Savior while speaking of his doctrine and the things he taught, "He that heareth and doeth my sayings shall know of my doctrine whether it is of God or men." "Whosoever keepeth my sayings shall know of my doctrine." I labor faithfully to instruct the people in the way of life; and the most important point of all my preaching and sayings is that they rest upon the words of the Savior. Whosoever reads the doctrine of the Son of God and obeys it does know whether it is true or false.

“Christ is the light of the world, and lighteth every man that cometh into it. No human being has ever been born upon this earth without more or less enlightenment by that Spirit and influence that flows from the fountain of intelligence. All people have been more or less taught by the Spirit of revelation; and let me say further, there never was a child born upon this earth that was not naturally endowed with that Spirit; and when we try to make ourselves believe differently, we are mistaken.” [57]

Light of Christ.
The phrase "light of Christ" does not appear in the Bible, although the principles that apply to it are frequently mentioned therein. The precise phrase is found in Alma 28:14, Moroni 7:18, and D&C 88:7. Biblical phrases that are sometimes synonymous to the term "light of Christ" are "spirit of the Lord" and "light of life" (see, for example, John 1:4; 8:12). The "spirit of the Lord," however, sometimes is used with reference to the Holy Ghost, and so must not be taken in every case as having reference to the light of Christ.

The light of Christ is just what the words imply: enlightenment, knowledge, and an uplifting, ennobling, persevering influence that comes upon mankind because of Jesus Christ. For instance, Christ is "the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (D&C 93:2; John 1:9). The light of Christ fills the "immensity of space" and is the means by which Christ is able to be "in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things." It "giveth life to all things" and is "the law by which all things are governed." It is also "the light that quickeneth" man's understanding (see D&C 88:6–13, 41). In this manner, the light of Christ is related to man's conscience and tells him right from wrong (cf. Moro. 7:12–19).

The light of Christ should not be confused with the personage of the Holy Ghost, for the light of Christ is not a personage at all. Its influence is preliminary to and preparatory to one's receiving the Holy Ghost. The light of Christ will lead the honest soul who "hearkeneth to the voice" to find the true gospel and the true Church and thereby receive the Holy Ghost (see D&C 84:46–48). Additional references are Alma 19:6; 26:3; D&C 20:27. (Bible Dictionary L Light of Christ:Entry)

The Spirit of God

“It is extensively taught that nature must be subdued, and grace made to take its place. I wish to inform you that it is nature for the child to be influenced by the Spirit of God: it is nature for all people to be influenced by a good spirit; and the evil that is spoken of is the power the Devil has gained upon this earth through the fall. He gained power to tempt the children of men, and wickedness is produced through their yielding to his temptations; but it is not nature in them. They are not "conceived in sin and brought forth in iniquity" pertaining to their spirits: it is the flesh that is alluded in that passage. Then why not follow the dictates of the Good Spirit? We talk about it, read of it, believe in it—that Spirit which gives joy and peace to the children of men, and wishes and does no evil to any person; and that is the Spirit of the Gospel.”[58]

“If people would listen to the whisperings of that Spirit, they would be led into the paths of truth and righteousness. If they would overcome temptations to evil—cause their spirits to overcome the flesh, they would bring themselves into subjection to the law of Christ, and become Saints of God.”

“You discern evils in your neighborhoods, in your families, and in yourselves. The disposition to produce evil, to annoy, to disturb the peace of families, neighbors, and society, is produced by the power of the enemy over the flesh, through the fall. Every person who will examine his own experience—who will watch closely the leading of his own desires, will learn that the very great majority prefer to do good rather than to do evil, and would pursue a correct course, were it not for the evil power that subjects them to its sway. In wrong-doing their own consciences condemn them. They are taught what is right, they read what is right, and at times the Spirit of the Lord is upon them teaching them what is right, and would be upon them from their youth, were it not that they give way to temptation and let the flesh overcome the spirits that God has placed within us. I feel to continually urge upon those who profess to be Saints never to grieve that Spirit that enlightens their minds, teaches them righteousness, to love God and their fellow-creatures, and to do good to themselves and to all around them, to promote righteousness upon the earth, and overcome iniquity in themselves and those around them as fast as possible.”[59]

“I plead with the Elders of Israel day by day, when I have an opportunity, to live their religion—to so live that the Holy Ghost will be their constant companion; and then they will be qualified to be judges in Israel—to preside as Bishops, presiding Elders, and High Counselors, and as men of God to take their families and friends by the hand and lead them in the path of truth and virtue, and eventually into the kingdom of God. Let me now tell you, Latter-day Saints, that you do not live to your privileges—you do not enjoy that which it is your privilege to enjoy; and when I see and hear of contentions, broils, misrule, bad feelings, ill conduct, wrong in my neighbor or myself, I know that we do not live according to our profession. Why not live above all suspicion and above the power of Satan? This is our privilege.”[60]

Spirit, the Holy

The third Person in the Godhead, being a personage of spirit, whereas the Father and the Son each are personages of spirit tabernacled with a tangible body of flesh and bones (D&C 130:22). See Holy Ghost.

(Bible Dictionary S Spirit, the Holy:Entry)

Warfare between Body and Spirit

“That makes me think of a great many Christians in the world; when they are sick and in trouble they will pray; if they are in fear of starving to death for want of good, of freezing through lack of raiment of fuel, then they will call upon the Lord. I know the old Prophet said, "In the day of trouble they draw nigh unto me." Get out, say I, in my feelings, in regard to such a religion. When I am starving to death it is time for me to be diligent in getting something to eat; when the ship is in a storm, it is then time to look out for the rigging. One may say, "Are you not going down below to pray, in this dreadful storm?" "No, I have no time to pray now, I must take care of the ship." So it should be with every Latter-day Saint. By and bye the storm is over, then let us go down into the cabin and do up our praying in fair weather. That is what "Mormonism" teaches me; and when it is dark as midnight darkness, when there is not one particle of feeling in my heart to pray, shall I then say, I will not pray? No, but get down knees, bend yourselves upon the floor, and mouth, open; tongue, speak; and we will see what will come forth, and you shall worship the Lord God of Israel, even when you feel as though you could not say a word in His favor. That is the victory we have to gain; that is the warfare we have to wage. It is between the spirit and the body; they are inseparably connected. The spirit was not made here, it was organized in eternity, before the worlds were, with the Father and with angels before they came here.”[61]

“When the devil got possession of the earth, his power extended to that which pertains to the earth. He obtained influence over the children of men in their present organization, because the spirits of men yielded to the temptations of the evil principle that the flesh or body is subjected to. This causes the warfare spoken of by Paul, when he says, "The spirit warreth against the flesh, and the flesh against the spirit." Paul explained it as well as he could, and I am trying to explain it as well as I can. Often when the spirit would do good the body overcomes, then one does the evil that brings into subjection the spirit. When the spirits of men are subject to the body, and continue to be, and commit the amount of evil necessary to fill up their cup, they are cast out and their names will be blotted out from the Lamb's Book of Life.”[62]

Must needs be Opposition

When God created Adam and Eve and gave them bodies and placed them in the Garden of Eden they were living in an immortal state. There was no sickness, hunger, pain, thirst, cravings, desires. They had no need to eat, sleep or exercise. There were no noxious weeds, thistles, thorns or bad tasting food. Though they had bodies they could know no happiness.

14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.
15 And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.
16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.

11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first–born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.
13 And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away. (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:8 - 30)

It all seems quite logical that a body must be created and an intelligence possess that body in order to grow, develop and gain experience. The body that houses our minds becomes the medium for smell, touch, hearing, sight, pleasure, pain and suffering. It allows us to assimilate millions of bits of information, and assists us to sort, filter, categorize, file and prioritize the data. Our bodies are essential, no they are more than essential, they are requisite. They are indispensable tools without which we could not learn nor function. We refer to them as our temples for good reason. They are holy, vital structures necessary to transport, support and be the residence of our Intelligences for the purpose of perfection. Our bodies of flesh are susceptible to all forms of disease and destruction and therefore impermanent. Nevertheless, though temporarily impermanent we could not progress without them. From the moment we take our first breath to the day we die we experience both suffering and happiness through our marvelous bodies.

Spirit to be judged by deeds of the Body

“I will now refer you to the scripture where it reads that we shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body. If I do not know the will of my Father, and what He requires of me in a certain transaction, if I ask Him to give me wisdom concerning any requirement in life, or in regard to my own course, or that of my friends, my family, my children, or those that I preside over, and get no answer from Him, and then do the very best that my judgment will teach me, He is bound to own and honor that transaction, and He will do so to all intents and purposes.” Brigham Young

Revelation necessary to Know God’s Will

“I have often reflected, with regard to people knowing the mind and will of the Lord by revelation. My thoughts turn within me in a moment, in my reflections upon what has hitherto been, and that which actually now comes before me, concerning the Saints in the last days and in the former days. For instance, Jesus, when upon the earth, called twelve men to be witnesses that he was the Christ. Then, there were a great many others who believed that fact, but he showed to those twelve men things that he showed to none else; he convinced them in a degree that he convinced no other person, that is, in some instances.

My mind then reflects, in a moment, did Jesus have the power to make his disciples believe that he was the Son of God by raising the dead, by laying hands on the sick, by walking on water, by multiplying the particles of bread and fish set before the multitude, or by any other miracle? Did he convince, and prove to twelve men that he was the Christ, by the miracles he performed? He did not. He did not convince them by one or all of the acts, which were called miracles, that he performed upon the earth. I know that many think that they are a great proof, that it is astonishing that people will not believe, when they read over the history and miracles performed in the days of Jesus and his Apostles. Let me tell you that if his Apostles were here in this our day, traveling through the country, raising the dead, laying hands on the sick, casting out devils, walking upon the water, or doing whatever they might be able to perform, it would all be no proof to the people that they were sent of God. I know that some of you think this is strange, and if so, I have strange views upon these subjects. It is no proof to me, it is no proof to any person else, and often serves to throw persons, relying upon it, into temptation, and to cast them still further into darkness. "Have you any proof of this?" Yes, right here in our midst. Men who have professedly seen the most, known and understood the most, in this Church, and who have testified in the presence of large congregations, in the name of Israel's God, that they have seen Jesus, &c., have been the very men who have left this kingdom, before others who had to live by faith. I have a witness right before me, and I am fearful every time that a man or woman comes to me and relates great visions, saying, "I have had a vision, an angel came and told me thus and so; the visions of eternity were opened, and I saw thus and so; I saw my destiny; I saw what the brethren would do with me; I foresaw this and that. Look out for that man or woman going to the devil.”[63]

The Greater the Vision the Greater the display of the power of the Devil

“I ask, is there a reason for men and women being exposed more constantly and more powerfully, to the power of the enemy, by having visions than by not having them? There is and it is simply this—God never bestows upon His people, or upon an individual, superior blessings without a severe trial to prove them, to prove that individual, or that people, to see whether they will keep their covenants with Him, and keep in remembrance what He has shown them. Then the greater the vision, the greater the display of the power of the enemy. And when such individuals are off their guard they are left to themselves, as Jesus was. For this express purpose the Father withdrew His spirit from His son, at the time he was to be crucified. Jesus had been with his Father, talked with Him, dwelt in His bosom, and knew all about heaven, about making the earth, about the transgression of man, and what would redeem the people, and that he was the character who was to redeem the sons of earth, and the earth itself from all sin that had come upon it. The light, knowledge, power, and glory with which he was clothed were far above, or exceeded that of all others who had been upon the earth after the fall, consequently at the very moment, at the hour when the crisis came for him to offer up his life, the Father withdrew Himself, withdrew His Spirit, and cast a Veil over him. That is what made him sweat blood. If he had had the power of God upon him, he would not have sweat blood; but all was withdrawn from him, and a veil was cast over him, and he then plead with the Father not to forsake him. "No," says the Father, "you must have your trials, as well as others."[64]

So when individuals are blessed with visions, revelations, and great manifestations, look out, then the devil is nigh you, and you will be tempted in proportion to the vision, revelation, or manifestation you have received. Hence thousands, when they are off their guard, give way to the severe temptations which come upon them, and behold they are gone.

Spiritual Light and Temptations Darkness

“You will recollect that I have often told you that miracles would not save a person, and I say that they never should. If I were to see a man come in here this day, and say, "I am the great one whom the Lord has sent," and cause fire to come down in our sight, through the ceiling that is over our heads, I would not believe any more for that. It is no matter what he does, I cannot believe any more on that account. What will make me believe? What made the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ witnesses? What constituted them Apostles—special witnesses to the world? Was it seeing miracles? No. What was it? The visions of their minds were opened, and it was necessary that a few should receive light, knowledge, and intelligence, that all the powers of earth and hell could not gainsay or compete with. That witness was within them, and yet, after all that was done for them, after all that Jesus showed them, and after all the power of the spirit of revelation which they possessed, you find that one of them apostatized, turned away and sold his Lord and master for thirty pieces of silver, in consequence of his not being firm to his covenant in the hour of darkness and temptation. Another of them was ready to say, "I do not know anything about the Lord Jesus Christ," and denied him with cursing and swearing.

Some are apt now to say, "I don't know anything about this Mormonism, I don't know about the Priesthood." Did you not once know? "I thought I did." Did you not once know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet? "I thought I did." Did you not once know that this was the kingdom of God set up on the earth? "I thought I did, but now I find myself deceived." What is the reason? Because they give way to temptation; they may have had great light, knowledge, and understanding, the vision of their minds may have been opened and eternity exhibited to their view, but when this is closed up, in proportion to the light given to them, so is the darkness that comes upon them to try them.”[65]

Christians and Tyrannical Power

“So far as morality is concerned, millions of the inhabitants of the earth live according to the best light they have—according to the best knowledge they possess. I have told you frequently that they will receive according to their works; and all who live according to the best principles in their possession, or that they can understand, will receive peace, glory, comfort, joy, and a crown that will be far beyond what they are anticipating. They will not be lost. . . .
The terror of the Lord never can, neither should, in the nature of things, bring men to repentance. Those of you who are acquainted with the history of the world reflect upon the conduct of the inhabitants of the earth, and when did tyranny ever cause repentance of evil? Never. It produces crime. When men are infringed upon in their rights and tyrannized over, they are prone to rise in their might and declare, "We will do as we please, and will let you know that we will have the ruling of our own rights and dispositions. Tyrannical power may possess the ability to behead them, hang them, or sentence them to prison; but resolute men will have their will.

Unless a ruler has the power of the Priesthood, he cannot rule the minds of the people and win their unbounded confidence and love. To illustrate my idea, I will relate an anecdote. A young man entered the ministry, but soon learned that he could not rule the minds of the people. He then turned his attention to the study and practice of medicine, and directly discovered that the power of evil had induced the people to care more for their bodies than for their souls. But that profession did not give him the influence he desired, for he found the will of the people first and foremost with them. He then studied law, and could command all the influence he desired; for their wills they would gratify in preference to either soul or body. You cannot break down the indomitable will of the human family. I have known children to be so abused and whipped as to render them almost or entirely worthless, and still the indomitable will remained. How came it there? God organized us to become absolutely independent; and the will I am speaking about is implanted within us by him; and the spirit of every intelligent being is organized to become independent according to its capacity.[66]

The Power of the Will

“You cannot break nor destroy the will. It is influenced and controlled more or less by the evil that is sown in the flesh, but not in the spirit, until the body has grown to years of accountability. Then evil, when listened to, begins to rule and overrule the spirit God has placed within man.[67]

The Apostles and Prophets, when speaking of our relationship to God, say that we are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. God is our Father, and Jesus Christ is our elder brother, and both are our everlasting friends. This is Bible doctrine. Do you know the relationship you sustain to them? Christ has overcome, and now it is for us to overcome, that we may be crowned with him heirs of God—joint heirs with Christ.

I feel to urge upon the people continually to depart from every evil. We wish to see the kingdom of God in all its fullness on the earth; and whoso beholds it will see a kingdom of purity, a kingdom of holiness, a people filled with the power of the upper world—with the power of God; and sin will be overcome, and this independent organization will be brought into subjection to that law. We call it the law of Christ: it is the law of eternal life. When we speak of the law of Christ, we speak of it as the power to keep matter in its organization.”[68]

The Second Death

“You read of the first and second death. We witness, day by day, the dissolution of the body, and there is also a second death. Let a person observe the law of Christ as set forth in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and in all revelations God has given from the days of Adam until now, and his conduct tends to eternal life. It will not save their bodies from death, for it is the decree of the Almighty that the flesh shall die. They will be made pure and holy, and be brought into a celestial kingdom through the body's being made pure by falling back into the dust. Sin has entered into the world, and death by sin; so death has passed upon all mankind, and there is no excuse: they must meet this change.”[69]

Body and Spirit Progress Together

We learn about the importance of our bodies from such prophets as Alma. In verse 1 of Alma 41 he understands that our minds are concerned about their progression.

1 AND now, my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the restoration of which has been spoken; for behold, some have wrested the scriptures, and have gone far astray because of this thing. And I perceive that thy mind has been worried also concerning this thing. But behold, I will explain it unto thee.

This temporal body was going to die and return to the elements, and then what was going to happen to our intelligences? Could they not ever again experience any sensations again? And how would they as promised in the beginning be rewarded according to their works or actions?

3 And it is requisite with the justice of God that men should be judged according to their works; and if their works were good in this life, and the desires of their hearts were good, that they should also, at the last day, be restored unto that which is good.
4 And if their works are evil they shall be restored unto them for evil. Therefore, all things shall be restored to their proper order, every thing to its natural frame—mortality raised to immortality, corruption to incorruption—raised to endless happiness to inherit the kingdom of God, or to endless misery to inherit the kingdom of the devil, the one on one hand, the other on the other—
5 The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good according to his desires of good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh.
6 And so it is on the other hand. If he hath repented of his sins, and desired righteousness until the end of his days, even so he shall be rewarded unto righteousness.

Through death all would be lost and through the resurrection all could be raised to endless happiness. They knew that they were once in a chaotic unorganized darkness and they had fear of returning to it.

7 These are they that are redeemed of the Lord; yea, these are they that are taken out, that are delivered from that endless night of darkness; and thus they stand or fall; for behold, they are their own judges, whether to do good or do evil. (Book of Mormon Alma 41:1 - 7)

Mind Body Relationship

The eternal element of intelligence or mind-Spirit joined with body presents a most interesting dichotomy. From the famous saying of Rene’ Decartes, “I think therefore I am,” to William James, philosophers, physiologists, psychologists, and physicians have all been trying to understand metaphysical psychology, or the relationship between mind and body. In the scriptures and from the great prophets of God we have learned what man is, was and can become.

Part 5 Organized Intelligences

Introduction to Organized Intelligences and Recap of String Theory

Take a moment with me as we now remember some of the things we have learned. What can take from all of this? We have been talking about unifying truths in both religion and in science. Keep in mind that the scientists and mathematicians are attempting to come up with one theory “The Mother of all Theories” that can explain to us what is happening in certain aspects of Nature through mathematics and physics. It has been deduced that all known particles fall into one of two classes: bosons or fermions. Bosons are particles that transmit forces, and fermions the particles that make up matter. It has been explained that strings could be joined together with a special kind of symmetry, called supersymmetry that relates the particles that transmit forces to the particles that make up matter. These joined particles could be multi dimensional and each could be described as responding much like a musical note when plucked like a cello string evoking different excitation modes. Most theories for supersymmetric strings can be whittled down to 10 spacetime dimensions with one being a time dimension and the others space dimensions. One theory even has two time dimensions for 9 space dimensions or an 11 dimensional theory. I will now explain how this all joins with the degrees of glory.

Organized Intelligences and Godhood

As we progress with our study of particles we have discovered that Science has called these two basic particles as bosons and fermions, or we can call them in gospel terms as particles of intelligence, and particles of matter. These particles have always existed and make up everything.

Now back to (Skousen) and his talk on the Building Blocks of Nature.

How the Father manages his vast host of intelligences.

These intelligences have each attached themselves to particles of matter. After this has occurred Abraham refers to them as “organized intelligences.” [70]

21 I dwell in the midst of them all; I now, therefore, have come down unto thee to declare unto thee the works which my hands have made, wherein my wisdom excelleth them all, for I rule in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath, in all wisdom and prudence, over all the intelligences thine eyes have seen from the beginning; I came down in the beginning in the midst of all the intelligences thou hast seen.
22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;

God can talk to these intelligences and after they have been thoroughly trained, they can conform to the highly complex instruction they receive from the Father, the Son, or members of the Priesthood authorized to perform certain acts under the guidance of the Father or the Son.

Note in verse 21 where God says that “my wisdom excelleth them all” or in other words his wisdom is greater than billions of billions of organized intelligences and gives him the right to rule over them in heavens above and earth beneath from the very beginning of their existence which he himself organized.

The Lord says this elaborate process of training this host of eternal entities to conform to the elaborate complexity of God’s design is by having “intelligence cleave unto intelligence” gradually identifying these complex patterns and have mapped out their intricate composition. The patterns are unique for each entity throughout nature and are referred to as their DNA.

40 For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence;[71]

How do I get acquainted with my own individual Intelligence?

In Skousen’s discussion he asked Elder Widtsoe, what an “intelligence” would look like. He told me to look in the mirror since I was an intelligence. I said, “You mean all of me?” he said, “No. just the little “I Am” in you that Heavenly Father has been training ever since he brought you in from outer darkness.

He continued, “We know you were valiant during your training as an intelligence because Father gave you a spirit body patterned after his own. And because you were valiant in the spirit world he has allowed you to have a physical body with millions of intelligences organized in your temporal tabernacle and faithfully serving you here on earth.”

“Well,” I asked, “where IS my personal intelligence?”

He said, “Put your hand on top of your head. Is that above you or below you?” I said, “It’s above Me.”

He said, “Take hold of your chin. Is that above you or below you?” I replied, “That’s below me.”

“Take hold of your ear.” I said, “That’s beside me.”

Then Elder Widtsoe asked, “Where is this little ME you keep talking about?”

I said, “It must be way back in there somewhere.”

He replied, “I think so.”

I asked, “Is my hand part of ME?” He said, “No. That hand is YOURS, but it is not the ME or little I AM you keep talking about.”

I asked Elder Widtsoe why we call the ME in each of us “a little I AM.”

He said, “Shut your eyes. It is interesting that you actually KNOW you exist
At this point, Elder Widtsoe said: “Now, with your eyes shut, first notice your self awareness and then notice that everything else exists OUTSIDE of you. It is outside of your self-existing entity. Like Decartes you know that YOU ARE or to make it more personal, you can say, I AM. This is your individual intelligence talking. You not only know you exist but God says you ALWAYS existed. You didn’t have to be created because you were always there. And God was always there. He wasn’t always God but he was always an existing entity. When Moses asked God what his name was, he said: “I AM, THAT I AM.” (Exodus 3:14) In other words he has always been a self-existing being and we now know that he ascended under his Father’s guidance until he became a God. Now, Elder Skousen, your little “I AM” is on that same course of eternal progression. If you are faithful, you can become like your Heavenly Father.”

Where are the Gods building their Kingdoms?

It was also in the early part of Skousen’s mission that he ran across a statement of the Lord in Section 71 of the D&C addressed to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon. It said:

“….open your mouths in proclaiming my gospel, the things of the kingdom, expounding

Skousen told Elder Widtsoe that he didn’t know of any mysteries in the scriptures. They seemed very plain to him. Of course this was a 17 year old missionary speaking.

Elder Widtsoe knew this young missionary needed a lesson in humility.

He said, “Elder Skousen, turn to section 88 of the D&C. There are many mysteries in that section of the scripture, and I want to have you explain one of them to me. He said, “For example, I want you to read verse 37 describing God’s space.” “Oh,” I said, “space is easy to define. It’s everything from here on out.” “Wrong,” said Elder Widtsoe. “read Verse 37.” It said:

“And there are many kingdoms, for there is no space in which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom.”

A careful analysis of this verse tells us two things. First that “space” is a defined region out in the eternities where the family of the Gods are building their vast network of kingdoms, and second, they do not build any kingdoms outside of “space” or the sacred region under their exclusive control. This is the somewhat hidden meaning of the phrase:
“There is no kingdom in which there is no space.” Elder Widtsoe said this is one of the mysteries in the scriptures.

Then why would God call this passage a “mystery in the scriptures?” Elder Widtsoe said, “Well that passage contained a revelation defining ‘space,’ and even though you had read it many times you never understood it. Until today it was a mystery to you.” Skousen was beginning to get the idea.

What is outside of Space?

This led him to ask Elder Widtsoe, “Since space is the sacred workshop of the Gods, what is outside or beyond space?”

Elder Widtsoe said the Gods call the region beyond space “outer darkness.” So I asked, “What exists in outer darkness?” He said: “Vast, unlimited quantities of UNorganized intelligences and UNorganized bits of primal matter. These are the two building blocks we have been talking about. It is from these vast resources in outer darkness that the Gods gather out the vital elements or building blocks to set up each new round of creation.”

Finally he asked: “Who is in charge of outer darkness?” He replied, “No one. The primitive intelligences and bits of primal matter exist in total, disorganized chaos without any organizing power over them or any influence to guide them.”

Some of the early brethren suggested the Holy Spirit might be hovering over this outer darkness. Here is Brigham Young’s response:

Brother [Orson] Hyde was [dwelling] upon this same theory once, and in conversation with Brother Joseph Smith advanced the idea [that the Holly Spirit might be hovering over the boundless eternities which he mistakenly called boundless space.]

“Brigham Young said that after [Orson had been] portraying his views upon that theory very carefully and minutely, he asked brother Joseph what he thought of it. [Joseph] replied that it appeared very beautiful, and he did not know of but one serious objection to it.” Brother Hyde asked, “What is that?” Joseph replied, “It is not true.” [Journal of Discourses 4:266]

This is what led the Lord to remind the prophet Isaiah that, “Before me there was no God formed [for you] , neither shall there be after me.” [73]

In other words, it is a great blessing to be gathered in from outer darkness by our Heavenly Father and be allowed to participate in a round of creation. God wanted Isaiah to also know that if he should betray God and become a son of perdition, there would never be an opportunity to have some other God gather him up and give him another chance.

To help demonstrate these enlightening scriptures concerning “space” and the organizing of Kingdoms by the family of the Gods, we have tried to portray them schematically [along with the scriptural references].

The Pathway to Godhood.

The Father revealed so many things to Joseph Smith about himself, that the prophet was reluctant to share much of it with the Church until three months before his assassination. It was at the April conference of the Church in 1844 that he gave a funeral sermon in honor of King Follette who had just passed away. Joseph felt inspired to use the spiritual environment of this sacred occasion to tell the saints some amazing things about out Heavenly Father. He said:

“God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!” [74]

This statement has astounding implications. It means that the Father went through the same pattern of eternal progression we are now experiencing. This meant that our Heavenly Father, or Elohim, has his own Heavenly Father who gathered him up from outer darkness and gave him the opportunity to participate in a round of creation. This launched our Heavenly Father on a pathway of eternal progression which eventually allowed him to become an exalted being. Joseph Smith said:

“The first principles [or individual intelligences] of man are self-existent with God. God himself, finding he was in the midst of intelligences and glory, because he was more intelligent, saw proper to institute laws whereby the rest [of the intelligences] could have a privilege to advance like himself The relationship we have with God places us in a situation to advance in knowledge. He has power to institute laws to instruct the weaker intelligences, that they may be exalted with himself, so that they might have one glory upon another, and all that knowledge, power, glory, and intelligence which is requisite in order to save them in the world of spirits.”

This inspired statement contains the following essential elements:

1. Elohim, our Father, was once in outer darkness with us.
2. That he was gathered up by a Heavenly Father and progressed during a round of creation in his Father’s domain.
3. After perfecting himself by obtaining both a spiritual and temporal body, he was resurrected and attained the highest degree of the celestial kingdom in his Father’s domain.
4. In the plan of eternal progression, any of the sons of God who reach this stage are eligible to be given the powers of Godhood. As Brigham Young explained: “in the resurrection, men who have been faithful and diligent in all things in the flesh, have kept their second estates, and [are] worthy to be crowned Gods, even the sons of God, will be ORDAINED TO ORGANIZE MATTER.” [75]
5. Once Elohim had been given this power to organize matter, he came back to the edge of space and gathered up from outer darkness those of us who were to comprise our present round of creation. He also scooped up a sufficient quantity of primal matter with which our intelligences could be “organized.”

So this tells me how we got where we are. Our Heavenly Father came back for us so we could participate in a round of creation and progress just as he had done.

Ever since I learned this exciting information, I have earnestly thanked my Heavenly Father repeatedly for including me in this present round of creation. And I have thanked him for including my wife and my children and the host of wonderful people I have come to know as my friends. What a blessing for all of us to be together in this great adventure of eternal progression.

What it means to achieve Godhood.

Eventually, all of the priesthood holders--who attain exaltation and are ordained to organize matter--will do exactly what our Father has done before us. We will go out to the edge of space as Father did and gather up from outer darkness a host of intelligences, together with an appropriate amount of primal matter, so that we can begin our own round of creation.

Thus we will learn for ourselves what it is like to be a God.

Our first task will be to sort out these billions of intelligences and organize them with bits of primal matter. Then we will teach them to love us and obey us as we unite them with one another in a vast array of orderly combinations. We will then explain to them how we plan to organize a galaxy of our own. This will help expand the "space" of the Gods and add to the glory of those who went before us.

A very significant part of this stage of training will be to help these individual intelligences decide where they want to fit into this vast new order of things. One might think that they will all want to become Gods, but not so. Abraham tells us that as the intelligences are graded they will choose different levels of existence according to their desires. [76]

Some, want to be part of the planet which will eventually be resurrected. Some will be attracted to participation in the kingdoms of plant life. Others will desire to be part of the animal kingdom. And, a smaller segment which constitute the foremost intelligences will aspire to have opportunities comparable to that of their Heavenly Father.

The most significant aspect of this epic of training and decision-making is the fact that once the decisions are made they will last through all eternity. Each intelligence will not only choose its role in the spirit world and in earth life but also in the eternities following the resurrection.

Nevertheless, each intelligence will have had the satisfaction of knowing that it made its own free choice and thereby fixed the course of its development forever.

When it comes time for the launching of the spirit creation, each intelligence will take its chosen place. Joseph Smith describes this remarkable transition as the intelligences move eagerly from mere theoretical anticipation to actual participation. He says:

“The organization of the spiritual and heavenly worlds, and of spiritual and heavenly beings, was agreeable to the most perfect order and harmony, their limits and bounds were fixed IRREVOCABLY AND VOLUNTARILY subscribed to in their heavenly estate by THEMSELVES, and were by our first parents subscribed to upon this earth.”[77]

This tells us that after the intelligences have chosen the eternal role which they desire to fulfill, the signal will be given, and they will all immediately take their places in the most perfect order and harmonious arrangement. Then, every intelligence in God’s elaborate structure for this round of creation will be ready to receive its spiritual embodiment. With this exciting and glorious commencement of the spirit creation, the First Estate will have begun.

What about those who desire to become like Heavenly Father?

It may seem puzzling that all the intelligences do not aspire to become Gods. However, when we reflect on the statement of Abraham that the intelligences are graded according to their attributes, it is understandable why the intelligences of lesser development would resist the responsibilities associated with the higher levels of existence. In fact, the genius of each round of creation is that there are opportunities for participation, which extend from the most simple involvement to the extremely complex responsibilities of Godhood.

Part 6 The Degrees of Glory

Introduction to the Degrees of Glory

Is it not amazing and yet ironic that our education of Nature and Life would be so remedial if left to science and our present day educational system? Father Abraham had a better knowledge of cosmology and nature than the very best philosopher’s, scientists, or mathematicians of our day. Present day scientists disregard all religious teachings and try to find truths from Darwin’s theory and others only finding out that these beliefs are false, and that truths taught by Lehi and other Prophets of God thousands of years ago are truths today. Still they reject these truths because they fail to prove them through experimentation, yet they conjure up theories mathematically that technology may never be able to prove. Many of these truths being revealed long before science ever came up with them, yet science still rejects rather than embrace.

Believe what you learn in the church of our God about the creation, for they are truths that science not yet understands. Learn from God rather than man. Allow personal revelation to expand your understanding and the mysteries of God will unfold before you and your understanding and desire to follow Him will increase and you will know that through honest effort what he is and has can become yours, and you will learn and know all things. As for you in the field of science I entreat you to search the scriptures first, and then following your education in the scriptures perform your experimentation and mathematical formulation to prove it’s truthfulness. You will be closer to the truth of all things than by taking the opposite approach and coming to the truth from the reverse position.

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

The scriptures are here for the betterment of man and in them they tell us the path and the order in which we need to seek truth.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.[78]

11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:[79]

29 And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.
31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.[80]

6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. [81]

Nephi teaches us that we can obtain more truth through revelation.

17 And it came to pass after I, Nephi, having heard all the words of my father, concerning the things which he saw in a vision, and also the things which he spake by the power of the Holy Ghost, which power he received by faith on the Son of God—and the Son of God was the Messiah who should come—I, Nephi, was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him, as well in times of old as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.
18 For he is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto him.
19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.[82]

20 O how great the holiness of our God! For he knoweth all things, and there is not anything save he knows it.[83]

There is a God

Alma teaches the scientists of our day who must always must prove everything by experimentation and the desire for signs.

44 But Alma said unto him: Thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your God? Will ye say, Show unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of all these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets? The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator.
45 And yet do ye go about, leading away the hearts of this people, testifying unto them there is no God? And yet will ye deny against all these witnesses? And he said: Yea, I will deny, except ye shall show me a sign.[84]

There are more people on the earth that believe in a supreme being than not yet our government and schools are attempting to take or have taken God out. We no longer can pray to him or mention him or study about him in our schools. Is this not Satan’s plan. The theory of evolution which promotes race inequality is destructive to the very fabric of our society. Yet every where we look we can see God’s hand, in the mountains, streams and sky, and universe. All these things testify to us that there is a God. The truly great scientists have recognized that there is a God and he is real.
I once asked my daughter, “Which of all the great commandments would Satan try to remove first?” She replied, “Would it not be to remove God from the earth?” Yes it would. Teach you children about him through daily prayers. Let them know that the food we put on our tables and mouths come from him, and that we are grateful and thank him. Pray when there is a need for a blessing. Ask for fathers blessings. Kneel with your children, study the scriptures, teach them about repentance and forgiveness. Teach them about humility before him. Let not a day go by where he is not mentioned in their lives. Teach them to love him through example by attending church and keeping the commandments. Give of your time, talents and money. Serve your neighbors, and they, your children, will learn to love God with all their hearts with all their souls and with all their minds.

3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.[85]

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.[86]

In verse 40 we learn that everything hangs on this law. Every law that we have and the very founding of this great nation was based on loving God and keeping His commandments. Take God out of the equation and you destroy yourselves, our nation and world.

9 Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.[87]

Omniscience of God

God knows all things and anticipates the unbelief of the scientific few. He knows that even after being given the answers to all things they will reject him and if they will not change, the judgments of Him who was sent will be upon them.

10 But behold, when the time cometh that they shall dwindle in unbelief, after they have received so great blessings from the hand of the Lord—having a knowledge of the creation of the earth, and all men, knowing the great and marvelous works of the Lord from the creation of the world; having power given them to do all things by faith; having all the commandments from the beginning, and having been brought by his infinite goodness into this precious land of promise—behold, I say, if the day shall come that they will reject the Holy One of Israel, the true Messiah, their Redeemer and their God, behold, the judgments of him that is just shall rest upon them.[88]

24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.[89]

God is the Ruler of Heaven and Earth

17 By these things we know that there is a God in heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God, the framer of heaven and earth, and all things which are in them;
18 And that he created man, male and female, after his own image and in his own likeness, created he them;
19 And gave unto them commandments that they should love and serve him, the only living and true God, and that he should be the only being whom they should worship.[90]

Everything was created Spiritually before it was created Naturally

1 AND it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I reveal unto you concerning this heaven, and this earth; write the words which I speak. I am the Beginning and the End, the Almighty God; by mine Only Begotten I created these things; yea, in the beginning I created the heaven, and the earth upon which thou standest.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and I caused darkness to come up upon the face of the deep; and my Spirit moved upon the face of the water; for I am God.
3 And I, God, said: Let there be light; and there was light.
4 And I, God, saw the light; and that light was good. And I, God, divided the light from the darkness.
5 And I, God, called the light Day; and the darkness, I called Night; and this I did by the word of my power, and it was done as I spake; and the evening and the morning were the first day.
6 And again, I, God, said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and it was so, even as I spake; and I said: Let it divide the waters from the waters; and it was done;
7 And I, God, made the firmament and divided the waters, yea, the great waters under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so even as I spake.
8 And I, God, called the firmament Heaven; and the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And I, God, said: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and it was so; and I, God, said: Let there be dry land; and it was so.
10 And I, God, called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters, called I the Sea; and I, God, saw that all things which I had made were good.
11 And I, God, said: Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, the fruit tree yielding fruit, after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed should be in itself upon the earth, and it was so even as I spake.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, every herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed should be in itself, after his kind; and I, God, saw that all things which I had made were good;
13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
14 And I, God, said: Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven, to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years;
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; and it was so.
16 And I, God, made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the greater light was the sun, and the lesser light was the moon; and the stars also were made even according to my word.
17 And I, God, set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And the sun to rule over the day, and the moon to rule over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness; and I, God, saw that all things which I had made were good;
19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
20 And I, God, said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl which may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And I, God, created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind; and I, God, saw that all things which I had created were good.
22 And I, God, blessed them, saying: Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the sea; and let fowl multiply in the earth;
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
24 And I, God, said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind, and it was so;
25 And I, God, made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything which creepeth upon the earth after his kind; and I, God, saw that all these things were good.
26 And I, God, said unto mine Only Begotten, which was with me from the beginning: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and it was so. And I, God, said: Let them have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 And I, God, created man in mine own image, in the image of mine Only Begotten created I him; male and female created I them.
28 And I, God, blessed them, and said unto them: Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And I, God, said unto man: Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in the which shall be the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein I grant life, there shall be given every clean herb for meat; and it was so, even as I spake.
31 And I, God, saw everything that I had made, and, behold, all things which I had made were very good; and the evening and the morning were the sixth day.[91]

1 THUS the heaven and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day I, God, ended my work, and all things which I had made; and I rested on the seventh day from all my work, and all things which I had made were finished, and I, God, saw that they were good;
3 And I, God, blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it I had rested from all my work which I, God, had created and made.
4 And now, behold, I say unto you, that these are the generations of the heaven and of the earth, when they were created, in the day that I, the Lord God, made the heaven and the earth,
5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth.[92]

For I, the Lord God, had not caused it to rain upon the face of the earth. And I, the Lord God, had created all the children of men; and not yet a man to till the ground; for in heaven created I them; and there was not yet flesh upon the earth, neither in the water, neither in the air;
6 But I, the Lord God, spake, and there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
7 And I, the Lord God, formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, the first flesh upon the earth, the first man also; nevertheless, all things were before created; but spiritually were they created and made according to my word.
8 And I, the Lord God, planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there I put the man whom I had formed.
9 And out of the ground made I, the Lord God, to grow every tree, naturally, that is pleasant to the sight of man; and man could behold it. And it became also a living soul. For it was spiritual in the day that I created it; for it remaineth in the sphere in which I, God, created it, yea, even all things which I prepared for the use of man; and man saw that it was good for food. And I, the Lord God, planted the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and also the tree of knowledge of good and evil.[93]

We are children of our Heavenly Father

God is not only our ruler and our creator; he is also our Heavenly Father. “All men and women are . . . literally the sons and daughters of Diety . . . .Man, as a spirit, was begotten and born of heavenly parents, and reared to maturity in the eternal mansions of the Father, prior to coming upon the earth in a temporal [physical] body”[94]

21 And now, verily I say unto you, I was in the beginning with the Father, and am the Firstborn;[95]

Our plan to become like Him

19 And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power and the keys of this priesthood; and it shall be said unto them—Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths—then shall it be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, that he shall commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, and if ye abide in my covenant, and commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity; and shall be of full force when they are out of the world; and they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.

20 Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them.
21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory.
22 For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me.
23 But if ye receive me in the world, then shall ye know me, and shall receive your exaltation; that where I am ye shall be also.
24 This is eternal lives—to know the only wise and true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent.[96]

We learned that he would provide an earth for us where we would be tested.

22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;
23 And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born.
24 And there stood one among them that was like unto God, and he said unto those who were with him: We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell;
25 And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;
26 And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon; and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate; and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever.[97]

A veil was placed to cover our memories

A veil would cover our memories, and we would forget our heavenly home. This would be necessary so that we could choose good or evil because of our natural desire for good or evil, truth or error. We would not be influenced by the memory of living with our Heavenly father. Thus we could obey him because of our faith in him, not because of our knowledge, or memory of him. He would help us recognize the truth when we heard it again on earth.[98]

37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.[99]

God gave us trials

We understood that trials would be given us for our experience and our good. Trials would purify us rather than defeat us. They would teach us to have endurance, patience, and charity.

7 And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.
8 The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?[100]

Judgments Additional Scriptures:

9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?[101]

4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?
6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?[102]

5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.[103]

31 For by the power of my Spirit created I them; yea, all things both spiritual and temporal—
32 First spiritual, secondly temporal, which is the beginning of my work; and again, first temporal, and secondly spiritual, which is the last of my work—
33 Speaking unto you that you may naturally understand; but unto myself my works have no end, neither beginning; but it is given unto you that ye may understand, because ye have asked it of me and are agreed.
34 Wherefore, verily I say unto you that all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal; neither any man, nor the children of men; neither Adam, your father, whom I created.
35 Behold, I gave unto him that he should be an agent unto himself; and I gave unto him commandment, but no temporal commandment gave I unto him, for my commandments are spiritual; they are not natural nor temporal, neither carnal nor sensual.
36 And it came to pass that Adam, being tempted of the devil—for, behold, the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency;
37 And they were thrust down, and thus came the devil and his angels;
38 And, behold, there is a place prepared for them from the beginning, which place is hell.[104]

44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.[105]

23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—
24 That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.
25 And this we saw also, and bear record, that an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son whom the Father loved and who was in the bosom of the Father, was thrust down from the presence of God and the Son,
26 And was called Perdition, for the heavens wept over him—he was Lucifer, a son of the morning.
27 And we beheld, and lo, he is fallen! is fallen, even a son of the morning!
28 And while we were yet in the Spirit, the Lord commanded us that we should write the vision; for we beheld Satan, that old serpent, even the devil, who rebelled against God, and sought to take the kingdom of our God and his Christ—
29 Wherefore, he maketh war with the saints of God, and encompasseth them round about.
30 And we saw a vision of the sufferings of those with whom he made war and overcame, for thus came the voice of the Lord unto us:
31 Thus saith the Lord concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves through the power of the devil to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power—
32 They are they who are the sons of perdition, of whom I say that it had been better for them never to have been born;
33 For they are vessels of wrath, doomed to suffer the wrath of God, with the devil and his angels in eternity;
34 Concerning whom I have said there is no forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come—
35 Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame.
36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—
37 And the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power;[106]

Who created our earth?

1 GOD, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;[107]

33 And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten.
34 And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many.
35 But only an account of this earth, and the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you. For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them.[108]

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.[109]

Great blessings resulted from the Transgression of Adam

11 And Eve, his wife, heard all these things and was glad, saying: Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient.
12 And Adam and Eve blessed the name of God, and they made all things known unto their sons and their daughters.[110]

Creation and God Additional Scriptures:

54 And the Lord appeared unto them, and they rose up and blessed Adam, and called him Michael, the prince, the archangel.[111]

11 And he beheld that they did contain the five books of Moses, which gave an account of the creation of the world, and also of Adam and Eve, who were our first parents;[112]

20 And they have brought forth children; yea, even the family of all the earth.[113]

14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.
15 And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.
16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.
17 And I, Lehi, according to the things which I have read, must needs suppose that an angel of God, according to that which is written, had fallen from heaven; wherefore, he became a devil, having sought that which was evil before God.
18 And because he had fallen from heaven, and had become miserable forever, he sought also the misery of all mankind. Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all lies, wherefore he said: Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die, but ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.
19 And after Adam and Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit they were driven out of the garden of Eden, to till the earth.
20 And they have brought forth children; yea, even the family of all the earth.
21 And the days of the children of men were prolonged, according to the will of God, that they might repent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of probation, and their time was lengthened, according to the commandments which the Lord God gave unto the children of men. For he gave commandment that all men must repent; for he showed unto all men that they were lost, because of the transgression of their parents.
22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.
23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.
24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.[114]

25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.[115]

Reckoning of time

2 And I saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it;
3 And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.
4 And the Lord said unto me, by the Urim and Thummim, that Kolob was after the manner of the Lord, according to its times and seasons in the revolutions thereof; that one revolution was a day unto the Lord, after his manner of reckoning, it being one thousand years according to the time appointed unto that whereon thou standest. This is the reckoning of the Lord's time, according to the reckoning of Kolob.[116]

Where is the Spirit World?

As we have learned already it is right here on this earth. Elder Ezra Taft Benson, an apostle, said: “Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us.”[117]

What are spirits like?

Spirit beings have the same bodily form as mortals except that the spirit body is in perfect form.

15 And never have I showed myself unto man whom I have created, for never has man believed in me as thou hast. Seest thou that ye are created after mine own image? Yea, even all men were created in the beginning after mine own image.
16 Behold, this body, which ye now behold, is the body of my spirit; and man have I created after the body of my spirit; and even as I appear unto thee to be in the spirit will I appear unto my people in the flesh.
17 And now, as I, Moroni, said I could not make a full account of these things which are written, therefore it sufficeth me to say that Jesus showed himself unto this man in the spirit, even after the manner and in the likeness of the same body even as he showed himself unto the Nephites.
18 And he ministered unto him even as he ministered unto the Nephites; and all this, that this man might know that he was God, because of the many great works which the Lord had showed unto him.
19 And because of the knowledge of this man he could not be kept from beholding within the veil; and he saw the finger of Jesus, which, when he saw, he fell with fear; for he knew that it was the finger of the Lord; and he had faith no longer, for he knew, nothing doubting.
20 Wherefore, having this perfect knowledge of God, he could not be kept from within the veil; therefore he saw Jesus; [118]

34 Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world.[119]

Are there divisions in the Spirit World?

12 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.
13 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of the wicked, yea, who are evil—for behold, they have no part nor portion of the Spirit of the Lord; for behold, they chose evil works rather than good; therefore the spirit of the devil did enter into them, and take possession of their house—and these shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and this because of their own iniquity, being led captive by the will of the devil.
14 Now this is the state of the souls of the wicked, yea, in darkness, and a state of awful, fearful looking for the fiery indignation of the wrath of God upon them; thus they remain in this state, as well as the righteous in paradise, until the time of their resurrection.[120]

28 And I said unto them that it was an awful gulf, which separated the wicked from the tree of life, and also from the saints of God.
29 And I said unto them that it was a representation of that awful hell, which the angel said unto me was prepared for the wicked.
30 And I said unto them that our father also saw that the justice of God did also divide the wicked from the righteous; and the brightness thereof was like unto the brightness of a flaming fire, which ascendeth up unto God forever and ever, and hath no end.[121]

The righteous and the wicked are separated but the spirits may progress from one level to another as they learn gospel principles and live in accordance with them.[122]


President Joseph F. Smith saw in a vision that immediately after Jesus Christ was crucified he visited the righteous in the spirit world. He appointed messengers, clothed with power and authority. He commissioned them to “carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness, even to all the spirits of men”.

30 But behold, from among the righteous, he organized his forces and appointed messengers, clothed with power and authority, and commissioned them to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness, even to all the spirits of men; and thus was the gospel preached to the dead.[123]

Jedediah M. Grant, a counselor to Brigham Young, described the organization that exists: “The people are organized in families, when I looked at families, thee was a deficiency in some, . . for I saw families that would not be permitted to come and dwell together, because they had not honored their calling here.” [124]

Spirit Prison

18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.[125]

14 Now this is the state of the souls of the wicked, yea, in darkness, and a state of awful, fearful looking for the fiery indignation of the wrath of God upon them; thus they remain in this state, as well as the righteous in paradise, until the time of their resurrection.[126]

After spirits in prison accept the gospel and the ordinances performed for them in the temples, they may prepare themselves to leave the spirit prison and dwell in paradise. Those who reject the gospel after it is preached to them in the spirit prison suffer in a condition known as hell. They remove themselves from the mercy of Jesus Christ.

16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;
17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—[127]

After suffering in full for their sins, they will be allowed to inherit the lowest degree of glory, which is the telestial kingdom.

The hell in the spirit world will not continue forever. Even the spirits there who have sinned the greatest sins will have suffered sufficiently by the end of the millennium. They will then be resurrected.

21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:
24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:
27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.[128]

Post Earth Life Additional Scriptures:

6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.[129]

37 But behold, their sins shall be upon the heads of their fathers; Satan shall be their father, and misery shall be their doom; and the whole heavens shall weep over them, even all the workmanship of mine hands; wherefore should not the heavens weep, seeing these shall suffer?
38 But behold, these which thine eyes are upon shall perish in the floods; and behold, I will shut them up; a prison have I prepared for them.
39 And That which I have chosen hath pled before my face. Wherefore, he suffereth for their sins; inasmuch as they will repent in the day that my Chosen shall return unto me, and until that day they shall be in torment;[130]

19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.[131]

The Last Judgment

We are often told in the scriptures that the day will come when we stand before God and be judged. The scriptures teach that all men will be judged according to their works.

111 For they shall be judged according to their works, and every man shall receive according to his own works, his own dominion, in the mansions which are prepared;[132]

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.[133]

32 And it came to pass that I said unto them that it was a representation of things both temporal and spiritual; for the day should come that they must be judged of their works, yea, even the works which were done by the temporal body in their days of probation.[134]

25 And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;[135]

This judgment is the last in a long series of judgments. In the premortal life all men who were judged worthy were allowed to receive a body and come to earth. Here on earth we are often judged as to our worthiness to receive opportunities within the kingdom of God. At the time we are baptized we are judged worthy to receive this ordinance. When we are called to serve in the church or interviewed for a priesthood advancement or a temple recommend we are judged.

Alma taught that the spirits of all men at the time of death are then assigned to a state of happiness or of misery. This is a partial judgment.

11 Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.
12 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.
13 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of the wicked, yea, who are evil—for behold, they have no part nor portion of the Spirit of the Lord; for behold, they chose evil works rather than good; therefore the spirit of the devil did enter into them, and take possession of their house—and these shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and this because of their own iniquity, being led captive by the will of the devil.
14 Now this is the state of the souls of the wicked, yea, in darkness, and a state of awful, fearful looking for the fiery indignation of the wrath of God upon them; thus they remain in this state, as well as the righteous in paradise, until the time of their resurrection.
15 Now, there are some that have understood that this state of happiness and this state of misery of the soul, before the resurrection, was a first resurrection. Yea, I admit it may be termed a resurrection, the raising of the spirit or the soul and their consignation to happiness or misery, according to the words which have been spoken.[136]

Alma testified: “Our words will condemn us,. . . . .

14 For our words will condemn us, yea, all our works will condemn us; we shall not be found spotless; and our thoughts will also condemn us; and in this awful state we shall not dare to look up to our God; and we would fain be glad if we could command the rocks and the mountains to fall upon us to hide us from his presence.
15 But this cannot be; we must come forth and stand before him in his glory, and in his power, and in his might, majesty, and dominion, and acknowledge to our everlasting shame that all his judgments are just; that he is just in all his works, and that he is merciful unto the children of men, and that he has all power to save every man that believeth on his name and bringeth forth fruit meet for repentance.[137]

36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.[138]

The Prophet Joseph Smith said that the dead will be judged out of records which are kept on earth. We will also be judged out of the “book of life” which is kept in heaven.

6 And further, I want you to remember that John the Revelator was contemplating this very subject in relation to the dead, when he declared, as you will find recorded in Revelation 20:12—And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
7 You will discover in this quotation that the books were opened; and another book was opened, which was the book of life; but the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works; consequently, the books spoken of must be the books which contained the record of their works, and refer to the records which are kept on the earth. And the book which was the book of life is the record which is kept in heaven; the principle agreeing precisely with the doctrine which is commanded you in the revelation contained in the letter which I wrote to you previous to my leaving my place—that in all your recordings it may be recorded in heaven.[139]

The Apostle Paul taught that man himself is the most complete record of his life.

15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)[140]

1 DO we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?
2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.[141]

Assignment to Glories

At the final judgment we will be assigned to the kingdom we have earned.

Celestial Kingdom

“They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized . . . . That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit.” These are they who overcome the world by their faith. These are they who are just and true so that the Holy Ghost can seal their blessings upon them (see D&C 76:51 —53). Those who inherit the highest degree of the celestial kingdom, who become gods, must also have been married for eternity in the temple (see D&C 131:1—4). All who inherit the celestial kingdom will live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ forever and ever (see D&C 76:62).

Terrestrial Kingdom

These are they who rejected the gospel on earth, but afterwards received it in the spirit world. These are they who are honorable people on the earth, but who were blinded to the gospel of Jesus Christ by the craftiness of men. These are also they who did receive the gospel and a testimony of Jesus, but afterwards were not valiant. They will be visited by Jesus Christ, but not by our Heavenly Father (see D&C 76: 73-79) They will not be part of an eternal family; they will live separately and singly forever and ever (see D&C 131: 1-4)

Telestial Kingdom

These did not receive the gospel or the testimony of Jesus either on earth or in the spirit world. These are they who suffer for their own sins in hell until after the Millennium, when they will be resurrected. “These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.” These are as numerous as the stars in heaven and the sand on the seashore. They will be visited by the Holy Ghost, but not the Father or the Son, Jesus Christ (see D&C 76: 81-85, 103-106)

These are they who had testimonies of Jesus through the Holy Ghost and had known the power of the Lord, but allowed Satan to overcome them. They denied the truth and defied the power of the Lord. It would have been better for them if they had never been born. There is no forgiveness for them. They denied the Holy Spirit after having received it. They will not have a kingdom of glory. They will live in eternal darkness, torment, and misery with Satan and his angels forever and ever (see D&C 76: 28-35; 44-48)

Judgment Preparation

In reality, every day is a day of judgment. Our words, our thoughts, our actions are performed according to a celestial, terrestrial, or telestial law. Our daily actions determine which kingdom we will inherit. If we are faithful and keep the covenants we have made, the Lord has told us what our judgment will be. He will say unto us: “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”. (Matthew 25:34)


When we lived with our Heavenly Father, he explained a plan for progression to us, his spirit children. We could become like him, an exalted being. The plan required that we be separated from our Heavenly Father and come to the earth. This separation was necessary to prove whether we would obey our Father’s commandments even though we were no longer in his presence. The plan provided that when earth life was ended, we would be judged and rewarded according to the degree of our obedience. We would then be assigned the place we had earned for our eternal home.

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.[142]

1 IN the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;
2 And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage];
3 And if he does not, he cannot obtain it.
4 He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase.[143]

If we prove faithful and obedient to all the commandments of the Lord, we will live in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom of heaven. We will become exalted, just like our Heavenly Father. Exaltation is the highest reward that our Heavenly Father can give his children. The Lord has said that exaltation is the greatest gift of all the gifts of God.

7 And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.[144]

Blessings of Exaltation

Our Heavenly Father is perfect. However, he is not jealous of his wisdom and perfection. He glories in the fact that it is possible for his children to become like him. He has said:
“This is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immorta­lity and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).
Those who live the commandments of the Lord and receive eternal life (exaltation) in the celestial kingdom will receive special blessings. The Lord has said: “All [things] are theirs” (D&C 76:59). These are some of the special blessings given to exalted persons:
1. They will live eternally in the presence of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (see D&C 76).
2. They will become gods.
3. They will have their righteous family members with them and will be able to have spirit children also. These spirit chil­dren will have the same relationship to them as we do to our Heavenly Father. They will be an eternal family.
4. They will receive a fullness of joy.
5. They will have everything that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have, all power, glory, dominion, and knowl­edge. President Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: “The Father has promised through the Son that all that he has shall be given to those who are obedient to his commandments. They shall increase in knowledge, wisdom, and power, going from grace to grace, until the fullness of the perfect day shall burst upon them” (Doctrines of Salvation, 2:36).

Requirements for Exaltation

Latter-day Saints are taught that now is the time to fulfill the requirements for exaltation (see Alma 34:32—34). President Joseph Fielding Smith said, ‘In order to obtain the exaltation we must accept the gospel and all its covenants; and take upon us the obligations which the Lord has offered; and walk in the light and understanding of the truth; and ‘live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God’ “ (Doc­trines of Salvation, 2:43).
There are specific ordinances we must have received to be exalted:
1. We must be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ.
2. We must receive the Holy Ghost.
3. We must receive the temple endowment.
4. We must be married for time and all eternity.
In addition to the required ordinances, there are also many laws we have to obey to qualify for exaltation. We must—
1. Love God and worship him.
2. Have faith in Jesus Christ.
3. Love our neighbor.
4. Live the law of chastity.
5. Repent of our wrong doings.
6. Pay honest tithes and offerings.
7. Be honest in our dealings with others and with the Lord.
8. Speak the truth always.
9. Obey the Word of Wisdom.
10. Search out our kindred dead and perform the saving ordinances of the gospel for them.
11. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
12. Attend our Church meetings as regularly as possible to renew our baptismal covenants. This is done as we partake of the sacrament.
13. Love and strengthen our family members in the ways of the Lord.
14. Have family and individual prayers every day.
15. Honor our parents.
16. Teach the gospel to others by word and example.
17. Study the scriptures.
18. Listen to and obey the words of the prophets of the Lord. In other words, each person must endure in faithfulness, keeping all the Lord’s commandments until the end of his life on earth.

After we have endured to the end

What happens when we have endured to the end and have been faithful? The Lord has said: ‘If you keep my command­ments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God” (D&O 14:7). President Joseph Fielding Smith said: “If we will continue in God; that is, keep his commandments, worship him and live his truth; then the time will come when we shall be bathed in the fullness of truth, which shall grow brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (Doctrines of Salvation, 2:36).
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught: “When you climb up a ladder, you must begin at the bottom, and ascend step by step, until you arrive at the top; and so it is with the principles of the Gospel—you must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all the principles of exaltation. But it will be a great while after you have passed through the veil [died] before you will have learned them. It is not all to be comprehended in this world; it will be a great work to learn our salvation and exaltation even beyond the grave~~ (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 347—48).
This is the way our Heavenly Father became a God. Joseph Smith taught, “It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God . . . he was once a man like us; . . . God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 345—46).
Our Heavenly Father knows our trials, our weaknesses, and mistakes. He has compassion and mercy on us. He wants us to succeed even as he did.
Imagine what joy each of us will have when we return to our Heavenly Father if we can say: “Father, I did what you wanted me to do. I have been faithful and have kept all thy commandments. I am happy to be home again.” Then we will hear him say: ‘Well done . . . thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:23).

Exaltation additional scriptures

D&C 132:3—4, 16—26, 37 (pertaining to exaltation)
D&C 131:1—4 (eternal marriage key to exaltation)
D&C 76:59—70 (blessings of celestial glory explained)

Part 7 The 10 Degrees of Glory String Theory

Description of Degrees of Glory

I know that this isn’t doctrine, but it has helped me to visualize how it is possible theoretically for multiple Kingdoms and degrees to mesh harmoniously together with science and religion. The purpose is to give you a mental picture, thus facilitating your mental faculties to understand the mysteries of gospel principles. Now the job is to fuse the known gospel doctrine with scientific theory. We have learned that “all truth is part of one great whole.” We have learned that there are two basic particles in the universe. “One to act and the other to be acted upon.” In string theory they can be called bosons and fermions, and in the gospel, intelligence and matter. There exists in my Kingdom of God String Theory 11 spacetime dimensions, [see graphics page 51] two of which are time dimensions. Each degree of glory represents a different space dimension.

1st dimension of glory called God’s dwelling place

In the 1st dimension of glory called God’s dwelling place, I place God and his family. He resides there with his wife and spirit children and conducts the affairs of his kingdoms. He is near the edge of space next to outer darkness where there are intelligences and matter waiting to be organized. Outer darkness is void of organization and is chaotic in nature and maintains no glory whatsoever.

2nd spiritual creation dimension

Next to God’s dwelling place is the 2nd spiritual creation dimension where a new world is spiritually being created waiting to be changed to it’s temporal state. This dimension falls from this higher time dimension to a lower one as man does.

3rd dimension, or highest kingdom in the celestial kingdom

The 3rd dimension, or highest kingdom in the celestial kingdom. Here the members have been married in the temple and have kept the commandments and are being trained to become God’s. Each has been given a white stone that they can view worlds above them and beneath. Once they have been ordained to become God’s they will be able to have eternal increase. They live on the celestialized earth, a giant Urim and Thummim until they are ordained and organize a place like unto the place near Kolob where Elohim dwells, at the edge of space and create their own Kingdoms.

Also is the middle kingdom of the celestial kingdom

Also included in the 3rd dimension is the middle kingdom of the celestial kingdom. Here is where those who possibly have chosen to remain here and not become Gods even though they were married for time and all eternity.

Also is the lowest degree in the celestial glory

The 3rd dimension also includes the lowest degree in the celestial glory where they did not accept marriage when given the chance and remain angels. All three can live with their families and can visit others in lower kingdoms. There is no veil between these three kingdoms.

4th dimension or Terrestrial Glory

Next is the 4th dimension or Terrestrial Glory where the good people of the earth go. They are not with their families and cannot therefore view others in other dimensions.

5th dimension is the Telestial Glory

The 5th dimension is the Telestial Glory and this is where the bad are sent. They also cannot go or view beyond their dimension.

We now drop into our second time dimension where the last 3 are.

6th dimension Paradise, and 7th Spirit Prison

The kingdoms known as the 6th dimension Paradise, and 7th Spirit Prison are separated but the members of Paradise can visit those in Spirit Prison. The members of the Spirit Prison once they have paid for their sins and are converted in the Lord then move into Paradise. It is located on and around the earth. They can view the temporal world but we can’t see them.

8th dimension Temporal World where the hosts of Man now dwell

The 8th dimension where we now dwell and live out our present state of probation.

9th dimension where Satan and 1/3 of the hosts of heaven dwell

The last is the 9th dimension where Satan and 1/3 part of the hosts of heaven dwell. It is separate from Paradise and Spirit Prison yet they can also view the temporal world but we can’t see them. There is some belief that this dimension resides within the bodies of water on the earth. Each kingdom or degree of glory, or space dimension has different harmonics and without the proper faith, quickening or transfiguration, or the proper resurrected body we cannot view other dimensions. Nor do we know the laws that govern each sphere.

10th and 11th time dimensions.

We have been taught that God’s time is different than ours, and so they become the 10th and 11th time dimensions.

Part 8 How is it all Governed?

Priesthood is the power and organization by which the Kingdom of God it is governed.

To fully understand the organization and the power by which all things are governed in the heavens and the earth we must thoroughly understand the Priesthood of God. President John Taylor explains to us what the priesthood is.

“….it is the government of God. Whether on the earth or in the heavens, for it is by that power, agency, or principle that all things are governed on the earth and in the heavens, and by that power that all things are upheld and sustained.”
“It governs all things, it directs all things, it sustains all things, it has to do with all things that god and truth are associated with.” [145]

In the beginning, the beginning when god took in the intelligences from outer darkness and organized them, truth existed jointly and inseparably with the intelligence. With this truth intelligence acted for itself, [maintained its’ agency] otherwise there is no existence.

29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.
30 All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.[146]

There was, is, and always will be the existence of truth.

Truth has always been in existence and is the very laws that all things both in heaven and on earth are subject to and must obey. Truth is what god uses, organizes, controls and by which all things are upheld and sustained. They are the laws by which all things are governed, regulated and operate. God knows all truth and with this knowledge organizes and creates worlds without numbers, and gives to all living beings the opportunity to gain this same knowledge and power.

28 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.[147]

God obeys and operates according to laws

“All things are under the influence, control and government of law, just as much as the planetary system with which we are connected is governed by law. It makes no difference what a few of us may do, or how the world may act, the sun rises and sets regularly, the earth revolves upon its axis, and so it is with all the planetary systems. There is no confusion, no disorder in any of the movements of the heavenly bodies. They are governed by a science and intelligence that is beyond the reach of men in mortality. Yet they move strictly according to certain laws by which all of them have been, are, and will be governed. And these laws are under the surveillance and control of the great Law-giver, who manages, controls, and directs all these worlds. If it were not the case, they would move through space in wild confusion.”[148]

“God is unchangeable, so are also his laws, in all their forms, and in all their applications, and being himself the essence of law, the giver of law. The sustainer of law, all of those laws are eternal in all their operations, in all bodies and matter, and throughout all space. It would be impossible for him to violate law, because in so doing he would strike at his own dignity, power, principles, glory, exaltation and existence.” [149]

“Priesthood is …. The principle and power by which God regulates, controls, dictates and manages His affairs, His worlds, His kingdoms, His principalities, His powers, His intelligences, and all things that are underneath Him and above Him, and with which He has to do.” (Deseret News Weekly 28 Dec. 1859, 338)

“This power …. is delegated to intelligence’s in the heavens and to men on the earth.” (p.119)

“….and it is upon this principle that all the works of god have been accomplished.” [150]

Free Will to obey the laws

The power to use truth is closely guarded by god to maintain order in the heavens and on the earth. We are taught that free will is an eternal principle, and because it is, truth and the power to use it are closely guarded. In the wrong hands the knowledge and power could bring upon all slavery, bondage and eternal misery, giving glory to one such as the Devil, for that was his plan.

“We talk sometimes about free will. Is that a correct principle? Yes. And is a principle that has always existed, and proceeded from God, our Heavenly Father.”[151]

“Whether on the earth or in the heavens, and any manifestation of power through the priesthood on earth is simply a delegated power from the priesthood in the heavens, and the more the priesthood on the earth becomes assimilated with and subject to the priesthood in the heavens the more of this power shall we possess.”[152]

Perception, Understanding Truth and Error

As with most laws there are laws that seem to contradict or oppose. John Taylor used to pray, “O God, lead me in the right path: O God, preserve me from all error; ….” [153] John Taylor knew and understood the opposition of truth and error.

We have heard this word “error” before. In the temple anointing ordinance we are blessed with the ability to “see clearly and discern between truth and error.”

John Taylor explains to us that we could be in error by not understanding some apparent deviations from general law. “There are some apparent deviations from general laws. But these apparent deviations are merely appendages to the great general law, in order that creation may be perfect in all its parts. For instance, there is a general law of what is termed gravitation which causes bodies to fall to the earth from a given height . . . But there are other local laws which disturb the normal conditions, so far as they extend, of what may be termed the general law. As, for example, the magnet in its limited sphere is more powerful than the general law of gravity, it attracting certain matter to itself in opposition to the general law, while the magnet itself is subject to the general law. . . Take away these local agencies and everything resumes its normal condition.”[154]

As we go through life we perceive things to perhaps be different than they really are. Being an artist by profession I often deal with perception problems with my drawings and paintings. I draw things the way our eye perceives things to be not as things truly exist in nature. A good example of this is when we look down a long straight road with telephone poles along side. The pole closest to us is perceived to be taller than the rest. Each one is viewed to be smaller and smaller down to the very last one. Yet when we get into our car and drive to the one that appeared to be the smallest, it is discovered to be as large as the first. In reality we often perceive things not as they truly are. We are said to be in “error” when we use or perceive laws incorrectly. Truth is the understanding and knowledge of all laws and is the framework that god himself operates. We as human beings operate in a diminutive scale of god’s knowledge to be a true understatement.

Law of Opposition the one great Truth

11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first–born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.[155]

No matter which of the natural laws that God follows in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, if there were no opposition there could be no plan. Things must be as the scripture say “a compound in one.” This scripture fully explains the state that Adam would have been in if he would have remained “a lone man” in the Garden of Eden. He would have remained as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility. The following verse tells us how important this law is.

12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.[156]

There would be no need for a God. Everything would be for naught. Intelligence and Matter would exist eternally in a chaotic state in outer darkness, never to be organized for there would be no purpose in the end of its creation.

13 And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.[157]

The living priesthood on earth is directed from heaven

“God has organized a priesthood, and that priesthood bears rule in all things pertaining to the earth and the heavens; one part of it exists in the heavens, another part on the earth; they both co-operate together for the building up of Zion, the redemption of the dead and the living, and the bringing to pass the ‘times of the restitution of all things;’ [see Acts3:21] and as they are thus closely united, it is necessary that there should be a communication between the one and the other, and that those on the earth should receive instructions from those in the heavens, who are acquainted with earthly as well as heavenly things, having had the experience of both, as they once officiated in the same priesthood on the earth.” [158]

“There is a principle associated with the kingdom of God that recognizes God in all things, and that recognizes the priesthood in all things, and those who do not do it had better repent or they will come to a stand very quickly; I tell you that in the name of the Lord.”

“God manages, regulates, dictates, and stands at the head, and every man in his place. ….It is a great work that we are engaged in, and it is for us to prepare ourselves for the labor before us, and to acknowledge God, his authority, his law and his priesthood in all things.”[159]

What is this priesthood given us for?

“…. To restore creation to its pristine Excellency and to fulfill the object of creation--to redeem, save, exalt, and glorify man--to save and redeem the dead and the living, and all that shall live according to its laws, is the design and object of the establishment of the priesthood on the earth…” [160]

“The priesthood in the heavens are uniting with us to bring about these purposes, and as they are governed by the same principle, that our works may agree—that there may be a reciprocity of action, and that God’s will (so far as we are concerned) may be done on the earth as it is in heaven.” [161]

Use of Priesthood Power

We lose sight of what the plan of God is and we try to insert our ideas and desires when it comes to how the church should be run or how we perform our different callings. There is a set plan and it is God’s. A good example of understanding this is in the blessing of the sick. Often the persons we bless are close to us and we desire a favorable outcome. This may not be what God desires. It must be God’s will or the design of the heavenly priesthood, at who’s head is god himself. Always include in your blessings “If it be thy will, or if it be for the good of the soul of this individual.”[162]

Power in the Priesthood

John Taylor said, “I have noticed some in my travels, those, who like the disciples of Jesus of old, evince a great desire for power, and manifest a very anxious disposition to know who among them shall be greatest. This is folly, for honor proceeds not from office, but by a person magnifying his office and calling. If we have any honor proceeding from or through the priesthood, it comes from God, and we certainly should be vain to boast of a gift when we have no hand in the gift, only in receiving it. If it comes from God, he ought to have the glory and not us, and our magnifying our calling is the only way or medium through which we can obtain honor or influence.”[163]

Figure 11: “What If?” by Arval Streadbeck

Figure 12 : The 11 Space Dimensions and Kingdoms of God

Boson> an ENERGY particle

Error> in opposition to truth, laws and knowledge of laws that could be destructive to what is right, good, and true.

Elements> the particles of energy called life’s force or intelligence, and the particles of matter at their basic forms.

Energy Particle>Boson, Intelligence, Truth, Light of Truth, Life, Spirit

Fermions > a MATTER particle

God’s Space>Once man has been ordained to organize matter he goes to the edge of organized space and organizes his own space. The space where God dwells and the eternal round begins again. In our case near KOLOB is where God dwells and we are within his organized space. Jesus Christ will have his own and likewise the Holy Ghost as
well as Abraham and Joseph Smith. They will always be part of God’s dimension and visit their families and will never be released from their priesthood responsibilities.

Intelligence> that particle that acts, and can be joined with matter, has capacity to adhere to truth or error, life’s force, light of truth, can exist in varying ascending degrees, not to be confused with intelligence as smart or knowledgeable

Kingdom>that area in eternity inside of organized space governed by a priesthood organization

Light > knowledge, understanding, comprehension, enlightenment also can mean light, as radiant beams of energy

Matter Particle>Fermions, Matter, Primal Matter, Particles capacitated to receive intelligence

Organized Intelligence> intelligences organized by God into varying forms of existence: rocks, trees, intelligent beings, a portion of divinity, have the capacity to learn and be taught,

Organized Intelligence>Intelligences attached to matter and organized by God. They have individual characteristics modeled after the physical characteristics of God, and after they have been thoroughly trained, they can conform to the highly complex instruction they receive from the Father, the Son, or members of the Priesthood authorized to perform certain acts under the guidance of the Father or the Son.
22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones; (Abraham 3:22)

Outerdarkness> That area outside of organized space where the two basic particles exist in a non organized chaotic state.

Portion of Divinity> the organized intelligence of the intelligent being organized by God that exists in all of us and capacitates our progression to becoming Gods ourselves, through our faithfulness in keeping the commandments and adherence to truth and abhorrence of error

Quicken >To make alive, to resurrect, or to change a person so that he can be in the presence of God.

God hath quickened us together with Christ, Eph. 2:4–5 (Col. 2:6, 12–13). Christ was put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit, 1 Pet. 3:18 (D&C 138:7). No man has seen God, except quickened by the Spirit, D&C 67:11. Redemption is through him that quickeneth all things, D&C 88:16–17. The Saints will be quickened and caught up to meet Christ, D&C 88:96. Adam became quickened in the inner man, Moses 6:65.
(Guide to the Scriptures Q Quicken.:Entry)
19 Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!
20 Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.
(Old Testament Psalms 71:19 - 20)

11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
(New Testament Romans 8:11)

15 And whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God.

(Book of Mormon 3 Nephi 28:15)
11 But now mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my spiritual eyes, for my natural eyes could not have beheld; for I should have withered and died in his presence; but his glory was upon me; and I beheld his face, for I was transfigured before him.
(Pearl of Great Price Moses 1:11)

Satan and one third of Hosts of Heaven>Cast out of God’s presence and sent to earth. They receive not earthly bodies and will follow the same fate as the Sons of Perdition. They are stripped of their spirit bodies and sent to outerdarkness into disorganized chaos forever. Usually not visible to man but exist around him having influence to tempt and persuade him into going against Gods will. Have no power over man except what God allows

Space> that area in eternity that has been organized and contains a kingdom

Space Dimensions>There are 10 different space dimensions. Each having a unique harmonic frequency and joined intelligence and matter compatible with each space dimension. Several dimensions can be co-existing within the same area yet not being visible to the other dimensions. Example; on the earth exists in the same time dimension the spirits of Satan, Man in his temporal world and the spirits that have died waiting for the resurrection. If we had faith enough our bodies could be quickened or changed, or modified to receive the right frequency so that the spirits around us and even Christ could be seen. After the final judgment our bodies will be quickened to a state that is compatible with the glory that we will receive. We will not ever be able to change this arrangement of intelligence and specific matter. (Matter specific to that glory) “Bodies celestial, terrestrial and telestial.”

6 And it came to pass that when the brother of Jared had said these words, behold, the Lord stretched forth his hand and touched the stones one by one with his finger. And the veil was taken from off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and he saw the finger of the Lord;
(Book of Mormon Ether 3:6)

9 And the Lord said unto him: Because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take upon me flesh and blood; and never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast; for were it not so ye could not have seen my finger.
(Book of Mormon Ether 3:9)

Spirit Body>The joining of the organized intelligence with a spirit body becomes the spiritual offspring of God. They have the capacity to learn, speak, govern and given free agency.

Spiritual Creation>Everything was created spiritually before it was created temporally under the direction of the Father by the Son and Michael.

Transfiguration>(see also Change, Changing; Transform; Translated Beings; TG Transfiguration, Transfigured; Translated Beings; BD Transfiguration, Mount of)(Index T Transfigure, Transfigured:Entry)

20 Nevertheless, he that endureth in faith and doeth my will, the same shall overcome, and shall receive an inheritance upon the earth when the day of transfiguration shall come;
21 When the earth shall be transfigured, even according to the pattern which was shown unto mine apostles upon the mount; of which account the fulness ye have not yet received. (Doctrine and Covenants Section 63:20 - 21)

Sons of Perdition>They are stripped of their bodies and their organized intelligences are sent into outerdarkness. Never being able to receive any glory throughout all eternity. Their bodies elements remain on earth and become celestialized.

Telestial >Visited by the Holy Ghost
See telestial in previous section. Those living here have been resurrected with bodies telestial and cannot visit other glories.

Terrestrial > Visited by Jesus Christ
See terrestrial in previous section. Those living here have been resurrected with bodies terrestrial. They cannot visit other glories.

Temporal Creation>The temporal creation of all things was patterned after the spiritual creation. Man and woman placed on the earth as well as Satan and his followers.

Time Dimension>Our time is different from God’s yet the two exist harmoniously together. The time is one thousand of our years to a day of the Lord’s time. God’s time is based on a great star near him called Kolob.
4 In answer to the question—Is not the reckoning of God's time, angel's time, prophet's time, and man's time, according to the planet on which they reside?
5 I answer, Yes.
(Doctrine and Covenants Section 130:4 - 5)

The Fall>The changing of man and earth’s elements from a celestial or eternal state to a temporal state.
Possibly moving from one time dimension to another coupled with mortality.
Three Degrees of Glory > Visited by Elohim
CELESTIAL 3 Where the Gods dwell. Preparation state waiting for their ordinations.
CELESTIAL 2 Gods in training with their families.
CELESTIAL 1 Celestial beings who have not received the covenant of marriage. Those living here have been resurrected with bodies celestial. Are able to visit other glories.
1 WHEN the Savior shall appear we shall see him as he is. We shall see that he is a man like ourselves.
2 And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy.
(Doctrine and Covenants Section 130:1 - 2)

Truth> all laws and knowledge of laws by which everything operates in eternity, that are good, and right, just, and true.
Universal Elements>Everything that we know of contains intelligence and matter, the rock, gases, light, water, man, everything animate or inanimate.

Urim and Thummim> Instruments prepared by God to assist man in obtaining revelation and in translating languages. In the Hebrew language the words mean "lights and perfections." The Urim and Thummim consist of two stones set in silver bows and sometimes used with a breastplate (D&C 17:1; JS-H 1:35, 42, 52). This earth will become a great Urim and Thummim in its sanctified and immortal state (D&C 130:6–11).

(Guide to the Scriptures U Urim and Thummim.:Entry)
6 The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth;
7 But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord.
8 The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim.
9 This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ's.
10 Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms will be made known;
11 And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new name is the key word.

Valiant or Valiancy> firm, strong, courageous, robust in adhering to the truth, can exist in varying degrees in ascending degrees from error to truth

Wisdom> the righteous use of truth, and complete abhorrence of error

[1] What If? By Arval L. Streadbeck see attachments 1 page
[2] JD 14:341-342, March 3, 1872
[3] JD, 11:74, February 5, 1865
[4] MA, 167-168
[5] (
[6] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 282.)

[7] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 283.)
[8] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 282.)
[9] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 284.)
[10] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:14)
[11] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 93: 29-33)
[12] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 286.)

[13] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 285.)
[14] (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses,, 7: 285.)
[15] [Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 2-3]
[16] (John A. Widtsoe, Joseph Smith, Seeker After Truth, Deseret News Press, pp. 150-151)
[17] (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, vol. 3, p. 277)
[18] (Pearl of Great Price) Abraham 3:21-22
[19] Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 7 Vols. 3:387

[20] King Follett Discourse, Nauvoo, 7 April 1844
[21] (Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols. 6:310, 311, 312)
[22] (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph F. Smith P. 158 .)
[23] ( Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, 7: 285.)
[24] [2 Nephi 1:22]
[25] (Journal of Discourses, vol.)
[26] (Helaman 14:18)
[27] (3 Nephi 27:11)
[28] [D&C 133:73]
[29] [Revelation 20:10]
[30] (Exodus 4:9)
[31] (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, 7: 290 - 291.)
[32] (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, 7: 287.)

[33] (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, 3: 354.)
[34] (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, 3: 355.)
[35] .(Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 3: 355 - 356.)

[36] (Journal of Discourses, 3: 355 - 356.)

[37] (Journal of Discourses 3: 356.)

[38] (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, 7: 1.)
[39] (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, 7: 2.)
[40] (Journal of Discourses, 7: 2.)
[41] (Journal of Discourses 7: 3.)
[42] (Journal of Discourses, 7: 3.)
[43] (Journal of Discourses, 7: 3.)
[44] (Journal of Discourses, 7: 3 - 4.)
[45] (Joseph Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols. 2:23)
[46] (Joseph Smith, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols. 2:318)
[47] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 93:28)
[48] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 93:31)

[49] (Journal of Discourses, 7: 286.)
[50] (Journal of Discourses, 3: 202 - 203.)
[51] (Journal of Discourses,, 3: 203.)

[52] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 3: 207 - 208.)
[53] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 193.)
[54] .”(Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 193 - 194.)

[55] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 194.)
[56] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 193.)
[57] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 190.)

[58] Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 191.)
[59] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 191.)
[60] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 192.)
[61] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 3: 208.)

[62] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 3: 208.)
[63] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 3: 205.)
[64] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 3: 206.)

[65] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 3: 206.)
[66] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 192.)

[67] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 193.)
[68] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 193.)
[69] (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 7: 193.)

[70] (Pearl of Great Price) Abraham 3:21-22
[71] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 88:40)

[72] D&C 71:1
[73] [Isaiah 43:10]
[74] [Teachings of Joseph Smith, p. 345]
[75] [Journal of Discourses vol. l5, p. 137]
[76] [Abraham 3:19-22 Teachings of Joseph smith, p. 373]
[77] [Church History vol. VI, p 51]
[78] (New Testament Matthew 6:33)
[79] (New Testament Mark 4:11)
[80] (New Testament Luke 12:29 - 31)
[81] (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 9:6)
[82] (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 10:17 - 19)
[83] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 9:20)
[84] (Book of Mormon Alma 30:44 - 45)
[85] (New Testament John 17:3)
[86] (New Testament Matthew 22:36 - 40)
[87] (Book of Mormon Mosiah 4:9)
[88] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 1:10)
[89] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:24)
[90] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 20:17 - 19)

[91] (Pearl of Great Price Moses 2:1-31)
[92] (Pearl of Great Price Moses 3:1 - 5)
[93] (Pearl of Great Price Moses 3:5 - 9)
[94] (Joseph F. Smith, “The Origin of Man,” Improvement Era, Nov. 1909 pp. 78, 80)
[95] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 93:21)
[96] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 132:19 - 24)
[97] (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 3:22 - 26)
[98] Gospel Principles revised 1986 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
[99] (New Testament John 18:37)
[100] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 122:7 - 8)
[101] (New Testament Hebrews 12:9)
[102] (Old Testament Job 38:4 - 7)
[103] (Old Testament Jeremiah 1:5)
[104] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 29:31 - 38)
[105] (New Testament 1 Corinthians 15:44 - 46)
[106] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 76:23 - 37)
[107] (New Testament Hebrews 1:1 - 2)
[108] (Pearl of Great Price Moses 1:33 - 35)
[109] (New Testament Revelation 12:7 - 9)
[110] (Pearl of Great Price Moses 5:11 - 12)
[111] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 107:54)
[112] (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 5:11)
[113] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:20)
[114] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:14 - 24)
[115] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:25 - 27)
[116] (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 3:2 - 4)
[117] (Conference Report, Apr. 1971, p. 18)
[118] (Book of Mormon Ether 3:15 - 20)
[119] (Book of Mormon Alma 34:34)
[120] (Book of Mormon Alma 40:12 - 14)
[121] (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 15:28 - 30)
[122] Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 762
[123] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 138:30)
[124] (Heber C. Kimball Journal of discourses 4:135-36)
[125] (New Testament 1 Peter 3:18 - 20)
[126] (Book of Mormon Alma 40:14)
[127] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 19:16 - 18)
[128] (New Testament Acts 2:21 - 27)
[129] (New Testament 1 Peter 4:6)
[130] (Pearl of Great Price Moses 7:37 - 39)
[131] (New Testament Luke 16:19 - 31)
[132] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 76:111)
[133] (New Testament Revelation 20:12)
[134] (Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 15:32)
[135] (Pearl of Great Price Abraham 3:25)
[136] (Book of Mormon Alma 40:11 - 15)
[137] (Book of Mormon Alma 12:14 - 15)
[138] (New Testament Matthew 12:36 - 37)
[139] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 128:6 - 7)
[140] (New Testament Romans 2:15)
[141] (New Testament 2 Corinthians 3:1 - 3)
[142] (New Testament John 14:2 - 3
[143] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 131:1 - 4)
[144] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 14:7)

[145] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 119)
[146](Doctrine and Covenants Section 93:29 - 30)
[147] (Doctrine and Covenants Section 93:28)

[148] (The Gospel Kingdom writings and discourses of John Taylor p. 66)
[149] (The Mediation and Atonement of our Lord by John Taylor pp. 167-168)
[150] (Teachings of the Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 119)
[151] (The Gospel Kingdom by John Taylor p. 59)
[152] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 120)
[153] (The Gospel Kingdom by John Taylor p. 121)
[154] (The Gospel Kingdom by John Taylor p. 121)
[155] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:11)
[156] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:12)

[157] (Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:13)
[158] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 120)
[159] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 121)
[160] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 122)
[161] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 123)
[162] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 125)
[163] (Teachings of Presidents of the Church John Taylor p. 125)

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