Friday, February 28, 2020

Rock Violence: The Story of How Gun Violence Came About

 Rock Violence: The Story of How Gun Violence Came About

Cain the first poor and rock-less victim, murdered Abel the first Entrepreneur who collected rocks from his garden to create a wealthy rock pile, with a rock from Abel’s rock pile. It was concluded that if it wasn’t for Abel’s rock, the human couldn’t have committed this dreadful act, and logically was the belief that it must have been the rocks fault (being inanimate and all) and not the humans (having only the limited power of reason and forethought), to commit the murder, and it was also desired in those days that following such a horrific act there become a grave necessity to criminalize ALL rocks. For if it wasn’t for the rock the murder would never have happened. Thus we have born from this act the term “Rock Violence.” The actual cause of this violent act occurred when Cain’s habitual whining about how unfair things were (due to the fact that God, if there was a God, had it in for him because God didn’t bless him with a rock pile the same as Abel’s, who was his equal, and logic always wins and must take precedence, concluding that there is no God, only Science) and it became unbearable for Abel, and calling him out on it, or bringing it to Cain’s attention, made Cain so angry, he planned the murder, thereby using the most effective thing he could think of, and that was with one of Abel’s soon to become, “Violent Rocks.” Now it is important to keep in mind and be well aware that it was written into the Charter of the Garden of Eden, that man had the freedom and innate right to carry and possess rocks. However our fore-fathers, Adam and Eve, could not possibly have understood the implications of how a rock could become a murder weapon. Therefore we now come to the postulation and make an exception to that very general rule, because the rock had now become the new weapon of choice due to its ready availability and great abundance. We are not stupid and therefore recognize that we must not include all rocks into the equation, for some rocks may be beneficial to ones survival and well being. It must be only the ones which we have labeled “Assault Rocks” due to Cain’s impulsive behavior and their menacing appearance. These rocks include the rocks that can fit into ones hands and have enough weight to insure harm or certain death to kill and maim. These may perform the same function as other rocks, however be not deceived, these are more menacing because they are dark, look formidable, and can be thrown at greater speed, or struck with much frequency and deadly accuracy.
                We recognize that pebbles, however, must not be listed as deadly because of insufficient weight, but if collected in large enough quantities may cause death when heaped upon an individual and so it is with certain reluctance one must also regulate the quantities of these kinds of rocks and limit the amount that any one person may accumulate. We also must create legislation limiting an individual’s right so that they may only possess pebbles in small enough quantities that one may be able to hold them in the palm of a single hand, and must have no sharp edges. We must also legislate against any invention or object that may enhance the force or rapidity that rocks may be thrown. Thus sling shots are no longer permissible. It doesn’t matter if you use them for hunting or sport. A rock skipping on water may become very dangerous. Suppose someone is out swimming under water and comes up at just the wrong moment when a rock is side armed across the silken water of a stream or pond. We also see no need for someone to want to throw rocks at targets like bottles, cans and papers with a “Bull’s eye” painted on it. Just think of it. How wrong is it for anyone to want to put out a “Bull’s eye.” Large boulders are exempt because they are too heavy to lift or throw and difficult to easily hide or store. Understanding this we must also regulate the purchase and transfer of boulder crushing equipment like hammers and sludge hammers that can manipulate or change large boulders into smaller rocks and or pebbles.
We must also ask ourselves and come to the conclusion that it may be possible and on some very, very rare occasions it might not be the rocks fault at all, and that fault might lie with the human. Thus the criminalizing of the rock isn’t enough. We must also look towards the rock possessors or owners. We need background checks on all humans before they can possess or purchase rocks to insure that they are not getting into the wrong hands. This applies to even law abiding citizens. Their rights must be regulated because they could innocently and unknowingly sell, loan or give one to an unstable person. The rest of the population that have no interest or need for rocks, and do not care if they even exist, desire to impose their feelings and impressions on all those who do use rocks in construction, sports, survival and protection in their daily lives. It goes without saying that the mentally ill, the criminals and all political opponents must never have access to rocks. This is always to be determined and challenged with every election until the goal is reached of total rock elimination. Hopefully the end goal here is to have one political party in control and to never let the opposing masses have access to, or the rights to possess rocks that could be potentially used against you. Concealed carry permits will be limited to those individuals who are protecting these elite legislators who have enacted these anti rock laws as well as movie celebrities, knowing full well that all actors or people impersonators hold a superior intellect and knowledge of most all things above that of the average person or persons in this land, akin to individuals just wanting to protect their homes and families, who are in actuality the majority and are simply not important enough to warrant any self protection, because after all they are not celebrities or the honored political elite. We must never assume that it is just evil people doing evil things, because this scenario is always false from the commencement.  We must always sponsor the assumption that people are by nature good and must always reject the hypothesis that it can be as simple as “Evil people doing evil things,” and the blame must always be with the weapon of choice. Here is a true fact; if you take away the weapon, you take away the murderous evil act. In our present atmosphere it is a perfectly sound deduction that with a total elimination of rocks there can be no more rock violence or political coups. We know that people are not smart enough to come up with another form of violence. Namely: physical violence, knife violence, or cart violence, or rope violence, or sword violence, or spear violence, hammer and sickle violence, or chemical violence.
 All building and road contractors must be closely regulated. There can and should never be the transferring of rocks from one person to another without proper documentation and all rocks must be registered. This is so the Government knows where every rock is, in order that it might come with rock in hand, and confiscates your rocks under punishment of fine, imprisonment or death. You may all voluntarily turn in your rocks, which will be crushed by the Government at your expense into sand that will be made into wine and beer bottles for everyone’s alcohol consumption, which will make us ALL feel better about ourselves and the present crisis, while we smoke our legalized pot and promote and build centers to inject illegal drugs while handing out condoms for promiscuity and contemplate the handling of this dreadful problem of “Rock Violence,” which plagues our society. Thank you all for your support.
This is a message from your Elect an Intellect Victim Special Interest Pac.